Ask the Doctor- Is it too late to have natural breast reconstruction?


This week, James E. Craigie, MD, of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your question.

Question: I had bilateral mastectomies and wanted to do the natural breast procedure but the surgeon wouldn’t even discuss it. Then he totally botched the reconstruction. I look deformed. I still avoid the mirror. A redo was set but was canceled day of surgery because b/p and bipod star were elevated. I want it redone. I would like to have the natural breasts. I have plenty of abdominal tissue. I am diabetic.

AnswerI’m sorry you have had so much trouble with your reconstruction.

Fortunately, previous attempts at implant reconstruction rarely impact our ability to successfully perform a reconstruction with your own tissue. Diabetes increases your risk of some complications, most notably wound healing problems and infections, but it rarely keeps us from doing the reconstruction at all.

If you wish, we can have one of our staff call you to discuss your situation further.

Thanks for your question, and look forward to meeting with you.

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