Ask the Doctor-What Are My Reconstruction Options after a Failed Implant Reconstruction?

This week, Richard M. Kline, Jr. MD, of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your question about breast reconstruction.

Question: Do you do reconstruction after ex plants from Ruptured implant?

Answer: If you have had mastectomies, we will attempt to do reconstruction no matter what has happened, as long as you want it, and it’s medically safe to do so.
If your breast sustained damage from a ruptured implant placed for cosmetic reasons, we will still be happy to help you, but this might not be covered by your insurance.

Hope this helps.

Have a question about breast reconstruction or post-surgical you’d like answered from our surgical team? Just ask!


  1. Connie Holt says:

    I am a 48 year old healthy female that is currently in the process of reconstruction due to a “preventative” procedure due to family history and frequent questionable Mammograms and biopsies. Originally a full Day requested to go to a C cup with a Nipple Sparing Bilateral Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. .
    I have had 4 surgeries since 8-23-17. (First 3 at UT Medical Center, Knoxville TN).
    8-23-17 Nipple sparing Mastectomy (failed-no circulation) left breast deformation after reconstruction also.
    8-30-17 Debriding of dead skin/loss of nipples. Corrected left side deformation.
    9-19-17 Hospitalized 1 week with Cellulitis (right side) with Debriding of infected skin, removal of original implant and replaced implant with different brand/type. Also reduced size due to skin loss.
    Follow up on 9-28-17- bandage removed revealing stinch and visible infection as well as open incesion on right side. Left side had two red hot masses that appeared that same morning. I was examined, told that he didn’t like the looks of any of it and told to go home and return on 10-3-17. If I ran a fever (which I never have) or incesion opened further over the weekend, contact his office and someone would contact me to tell me what to do. I questioned why we were waiting when it was as bad as it was, but received no response. The stench of infection woke me the following morning and I could tell I did not feel well at all which alarmed me and I called and requested a second opinion and was referred to a Dr. at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville with an appointment scheduled for 10-26-17. As the day progressed and I felt worse (no fever/incesion opening more and smelling more) I decided to go to Vanderbilt emergency room knowing my records had been transferred.
    10-02-17 All implants were removed, Debriding of infected skin, sewn up for healing, reconstruction pending. . Hospitalized for total of 5 days with strong antibiotics to kill infection. Appears to be healing no signs or symptoms of redness or infection.

    What are my options now? My hopes are “C” cup with reconstructed nipples and ideally some feeling if possible.
    Thank you for your time and any help.

    • Thank you for the detail you’ve provided. We are happy to set up a telephone consult for you with one of our clinical staff to discuss what options may be available to you. Simply call the office at 866-374-2627 and we will be happy to schedule that for you.