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Post-Op Pearls:
Recovery, Healing, and Healthful Insights from Past Patients and Specialists
A Panel Presented by The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction
We can’t wait to share our stories, advice, and encouragement with you on
August 28, 2012, at 7 p.m. ET.
This webinar is designed to create a community of support for women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer in any phase of the difficult process. With a live Q & A at the end of the panel, we hope to answer any questions you or a loved one may have about this journey.
Keep an eye on your email—we’ll send the complete webinar details and information shortly.
Kind regards,
Dr. James Craigie & Dr. Richard M. Kline Jr., MD
The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction
P.S. For questions or to make an appointment, please visit our website, or call us toll free at 1-866-374-2627. Our staff will happily assist you any way we can.
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