The below question is answered by the Charleston breast surgeon, Dr. James Craigie.
How do you determine when to use a wound vac in place of a traditional drain?
We have discussed the idea of using a wound vac in place of drains. We have actually determined the use for combining the wound vac and drains under certain circumstances. Some people have had radiation or have challenging wounds that result from wound healing problems combined with fluid collections caused seromas. Sometimes drains are needed to evacuate seromas but unfortunately they are not always adequate. Also, radiated tissues have difficulty healing and wounds developed in radiated tissue sometimes typical wound dressings may not be adequate as well. We have used the wound vac combined with the drain in order to treat these complex wounds. We have found that complex wounds are usually a combination of wound separation with fluid collections. The drain actually passes through the wound vac sponge, the wound vac sponge is then covered with the steel dressing that is connected to a pump and the strong negative pressure generated is greater than the pressure of a normal drain. This allows a deep pocket of fluid to be dressed with the drain tip and the open skin edge or wound edge to be treated with the sponge. When the wound vac dressing is changed every 3-5 days, the drain can be backed out slowly and therefore as the wound edge heals, the fluid collection is controlled and the wound eventually heals quicker than other approaches.
-James Craigie, M.D.
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