What is microsurgery?

Microsurgery removes and re-implants tissue to form the breast, complete with a network of small blood vessels. Surgeons use a microscope and tiny stitches to restore normal blood flow.

Can natural breast reconstruction be done if my mastectomy was last year?

Although immediate reconstruction has advantages, procedures can also be done years after a mastectomy.

How long after chemotherapy or radiation should I wait before reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction cannot be performed until 6 months after a patients’ final radiation treatment. However, chemotherapy varies. Some women have mastectomy & reconstruction immediately and do not start chemotherapy until after that is completed. Some women have to do chemotherapy first and then have mastectomy & reconstruction. Others have their mastectomy, have chemotherapy and wait to have reconstruction. Planning and timing is based on the type of cancer, pathology, oncology recommendation and the patient preference.

Will there be scars?

Scars on breasts and at places where tissues have been removed will fade with time, but they will not disappear entirely.

Will the areas where tissue was removed look different?

Although scars will be present, its shape may be improved. Many of our “flap” procedures involve the removal of tissue from other parts of the body. The resulting “tummy tuck” or “buttocks lift” can re-contour these areas for a more youthful attractive appearance.

Is natural breast reconstruction covered by insurance?

The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 provides protection to patients who choose to have breast reconstruction in connection with a mastectomy. The federal law applies to those covered under group health insurance plans and those with individual health insurance coverage. You should check with your insurance provider for coverage details. Our administrative staff also can help you with reimbursement questions.

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