Archives for April 2019

Ask the Doctor: Q&A



What is the success rate for someone with:
• a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction in 2011;
• encapsulation in 2016 with several fat graft attempts;
• failed implant on radiated left breast site, removed in December 2016; and
• removed right implant in February 2017?
I am now am searching DIEP options.




Hi C,
I am sincerely sorry you have had so much trouble. Fortunately, none of your prior problems affect the success rate of DIEP flaps in our practice.
We recently tabulated and presented our 15-year flap experience. After 1,362 DIEP flaps, the overall survival rate was 99 percent. Neither radiation nor previous failed implant reconstructions affects the flap survival rate. Many, many, many patients with a history of radiation and multiple implant failures have gone on to have successful DIEP flap reconstructions.
I would be happy to meet with you and review your options, or chat with you by phone, just let us know how we can help.


Richard M Kline Jr MD

Ask the Doctor: Q&A


I had a mastectomy in 2008 with implant reconstruction. I had the implants exchanged during additional procedures to help improve the look of the breast. I am very unhappy with how I look as it is very unnatural. I am not opposed to a procedure with another implant if done correctly. Is this something you do? Otherwise I may need to consider alternatives as I feel so uncomfortable in my own skin.



A: Hi V,
Thanks for your inquiry.
We frequently revise implant reconstructions to improve patient satisfaction. For several years, we have done essentially all of our implant-based reconstructions in front of the pectoralis muscle, which confers a number of significant benefits in terms of comfort, appearance and naturalness (compared to behind-the-muscle). I also have converted a number of patients with older behind-the-muscle reconstructions to modern in-front-of-the-muscle reconstructions, and they all feel the result is much nicer.
If implant reconstruction still proved unacceptable to you, using your own tissue is another powerful option. We have completed more than 1,800 natural tissue reconstructions – many in women who previously had unsatisfactory implant reconstruction – with great success.
I would be happy to see you in consultation, or discuss your situation in more detail by phone, if you wish. Please let us know what works for you.

Richard M. Kline, Jr., MD

When is the Ideal Time for Reconstruction Surgery?

Some breast cancer patients require a mastectomy, the removal of a breast affected with cancer. Many choose to then have reconstruction surgery in an attempt to rebuild the breasts back to a normal look and shape. But when is the best time to have this surgery – at the same time you are having your mastectomy or at a later time?

Well, it depends on a variety of factors.

During the Mastectomy

Ideally, reconstruction begins at the same time that you have the mastectomy. This is especially important for earlier stage breast cancers. There is an advantage to having immediate reconstruction: Breast cancer patients do not have to wake up to the stark change of a removed breast. Instead, the reconstructed breast is already in place. This often helps with the breast cancer patient’s self-esteem and recovery.

Months After the Mastectomy

However, breast cancer patients who must undergo chemotherapy or radiation may choose to delay their breast reconstruction. Breast reconstruction cannot be performed until around six months after a patient’s final radiation treatment. However, chemotherapy varies. Some women have mastectomy and reconstruction immediately and do not start chemotherapy until after that is completed. Some women have to do chemotherapy first and then have mastectomy and reconstruction. Others have their mastectomy, have chemotherapy and wait to have reconstruction. Planning and timing is based on the type of cancer, pathology, oncology recommendation and the patient preference.

You might also decide to have reconstruction at a later time because, as a breast cancer patient, you are also dealing with a lot and may just want some time to make this decision and prepare for the surgeries.

Preparing for a Delayed Reconstruction

For those who do choose delayed reconstruction, the surgeon can put expanders in during the mastectomy that will help to keep the skin preserved to accommodate an implant or autologeous breast flap at a later time.

There are many decisions to make when you are undergoing breast cancer treatment and possible reconstruction. Patients and their team must consider timing and which reconstruction procedure is best. The patient can choose from implants or autologous breast procedures. Autologous breast reconstruction uses the patient’s own body tissue to recreate the breast. The tissue can come from the belly, buttocks or thigh.

It is important to note that if radiation therapy is indicated it’s best that occur before undergoing autologous breast reconstruction. Whether you decide to have autologous breast reconstruction or implant reconstruction will also depend on several factors, including your age, health status, location of the tumor, previous surgeries and the availability of extra tissue in your body. There are pros and cons of each procedure, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about which one is best for you.

The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction believes in good health for everyone. If you or someone you know is in need of breast reconstruction, contact them at or toll-free at 866-374-2627.

Know the 5 Steps of Breast Reconstruction Before Your Mastectomy


If you’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer and will have a mastectomy, your doctor has probably discussed what comes next. Often, if you choose breast reconstruction, the process starts at the time of your mastectomy, but it can also be done at a later time – even years later.

Once the reconstruction process starts, it’s typically two or three stages – restoring the breast, refining the shape of the reconstructed breast and then reconstructing the nipples if desired. But every breast reconstruction procedure should start with a consultation with your physician.

Step One: Consultation with Your Team
Not every woman chooses to have reconstruction after mastectomy, so it’s important to weigh your options with your team, which should include your breast surgeon, plastic surgeon, radiation oncologist, medical oncologist and anyone else who is part of your treatment.

If you do choose reconstruction, your physician should discuss whether you will have your procedure at the same time you are having your mastectomy or at a later time. Your physician may recommend delaying your breast reconstruction based on the course of your treatment. Sometimes chemotherapy and radiation can delay the ability to have immediate reconstruction. Your surgeons should discuss the risks and benefits associated with all breast reconstruction procedures to allow you to make the choice that is best for you as well as helping you understand when the right time is for you to successfully complete the procedure of your choice.

Step Two: Mastectomy and Reconstruction

Choosing immediate reconstruction, at the time of mastectomy, is a great choice if it’s possible for the patient to do so. Those who opt to have breast reconstruction at a later time and have their mastectomy completed first can still choose from the wide variety of breast reconstruction procedures offered to all patients. At the time of mastectomy, tissue expanders can be inserted to help preserve the shape of the breast and conserve breast skin should definitive reconstructive surgery be scheduled for the future.   

Step Three: Restoring the Breast

Now it’s time to rebuild your breast. The two most common reconstruction procedures are autologous breast reconstruction and implant reconstruction. During autologous reconstruction, a plastic surgeon uses your own tissue, skin and fat from another place on your body – typically from your buttock, abdomen or thigh – to recreate your breast mound. Should you choose implant reconstruction, our surgeons at The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction utilize the most state of the art techniques to achieve the most natural result. Direct to implant and above the muscle implant reconstruction with acellular dermal matrix are examples of the procedures we offer. 

Step Four: Refinement
Sometimes the shape of the reconstructed breasts need to be refined a bit, so another surgical procedure might be necessary. Some patients also choose to have the unaffected breast modified to achieve even closer symmetry, and that can be done at this stage.

Step Five: Nipple Reconstruction

If you have chosen to have a nipple-preserving mastectomy, you may only need one or two stages of surgery to complete the restoration process. However, if you need nipple reconstruction, it can be done either during Stage Two or Three. We typically like to wait at least three months between all procedures if possible to allow for healing before making further modifications. A few months after the nipples are reconstructed, you may also undergo a tattooing procedure to add more natural coloring to the nipple. Some women choose only 3-D tattooing as their definitive choice for nipple reconstruction.

Recovery time will vary from patient to patient. Your individual surgery timeline may also differ depending on your particular needs.

The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction believes in good health for everyone. If you or someone you know is in need of breast reconstruction, contact them at or toll-free at 866-374-2627.