This week, James E. Craigie, MD, of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your question.
Question: I had a direct implant after a mastectomy, and I have had pain from under my arm to the implant along the scar tissue for 4 months. Should I have a 2nd surgery to remove the scar tissue/neuroma?
Answer: Thank you for your question. It is important for the doctor who did your reconstruction to examine you for any specific causes of the pain. If there is no other reason for you to have surgery on the breast, you could consider a nerve block to see if it is a neuroma. If the block did not last, then considering surgery would be next. If you had any other reason for surgery on the breast (capsular contraction for example), then you might skip the block and ask your surgeon if the scar could be removed during the surgery.
Have a question about breast reconstruction or post-surgical you’d like answered from our surgical team? Just ask!