Archives for March 2014

What can I expect during a DIEP / GAP free flap breast reconstruction?

This frequently-asked question comes center stage again for 2014, and we At the Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction, we are here for you and your questions. Feel free to Contact Us anytime!

What are the stages involved in DIEP / GAP free flap breast reconstruction?

The stages of breast free flap reconstruction at our facility can vary depending upon what time in the treatment process we initially meet the patient. The best scenario occurs when the treatment is mastectomy, alone. In those patients, we are able to discuss a skin and possible nipple-sparring mastectomy. This approach means that there is a possibility that the patient would only require one step, although most women are not opposed to a second stage when liposuction, “body contouring,” is involved. Many patients do not have this opportunity, so for them, this process usually involves three stages.

The first stage, being the most involved, is the “technical” stage—the microsurgery element.  After meeting with one of our physicians and discussing the best donor site tissue (tummy, buttocks or inner thigh) the process begins and we relocate the tissue to form a new breast mound. Only the donor site fatty tissue and the blood vessels that nourish that tissue are removed. NO muscle is sacrificed. This blood supply is separated from the body and reconnected to the vessel in the chest wall that once nourished the native breast.

Since the new breast mound is solely relying on the tiny vessels we reconnected initially, we keep you in the hospital for four days to monitor the blood flow into the relocated tissue. This stage of the procedure can require about a six to eight week recovery period, depending upon healing. It varies greatly when women are feeling well enough to return to work or resume the activities they enjoyed prior to surgery.

About three months after Stage One, we may begin discussing each specific patient’s Stage Two.  Three months is the minimum amount of time that we allow. In some cases, we recommend waiting slightly longer than three months (example: radiated tissue, healing issues, or unilateral reconstruction).

Stage Two could be described as the “plastic surgery” side of the breast reconstruction. This is the stage where we fine tune everything that was accomplished in the first procedure, and attempt to improve upon your concerns and how clothes fit. During the first stage, we try our best to achieve symmetry between the two breasts, but sometimes the doctors are limited on the shaping that they are able to accomplish because of the microsurgery portion. Stage Two is about improving symmetry between the two breasts, re-building a nipple if needed, and improving the donor site. This is usually an outpatient hospital procedure but, on the rare occasion, the patient may need to stay overnight.

The procedures performed during this stage vary from person to person, according to their needs. Recovery time varies, too. It could be as little as a day or two weeks, according to the procedures that need to be performed to achieve your desired result.

Three months after your second stage, it is time for your areola tattoo, Stage Three. Women who were able to save their nipple / areola complex at Stage One do not require this stage and are complete at Stage Two. The tattoo is performed in the office under local anesthesia. There is really nothing to this phase. You may drive yourself to the office and expect to be out in one to two hours. It’s really a lot like a social visit and other than exposing your newly tattooed area to public bodies of water like swimming pools, lakes or beaches, there is not much aftercare to speak of. Simple local wound care is all that is required. The risks are minimal and infection and complications are rare.

Many women think of the tattooing as the final hurdle. The best comment I’ve heard was from a woman who stated that after the tattoo healed, she got out of the shower one day and upon looking in the mirror, felt like everything was behind her.

A few other things to keep in mind:

  • Scars look their worse at about three to six months, from that point they should steadily lighten and become less noticeable. It’s hard, but be patient. It takes a while for scars to fully mature and everyone is different.
  • You’ll meet with your surgeon and discuss the best case scenario for you and how to get your breast reconstruction accomplished in as few steps as possible. It is important, even though you are plagued with so many other physicians and concerns, to meet with your surgeon before you have your mastectomy to keep the surgical stages to a minimum. At this point, we’re able to discuss with you your breast surgeon incision site techniques and helpful concepts to improve you final outcome. We also ask your surgeon to weigh the amount of breast tissue removed. It helps for our reconstructive surgeons to know how much breast tissue was removed with your mastectomy and use that number to work toward  rebuilding your new breast, hopefully achieving a symmetrical result earlier in the process to minimize the number of surgical stages.
  • Most patients after the first stage have breast mounds and feel comfortable in clothing. If they must delay State Two of their procedure to undergo chemotherapy, build up time off from work, or just desire time with their family, they are not on a time restriction. (Do keep in mind your deductable.)
  • Vanity is not even a consideration in the breast reconstruction process and these surgeries are not cosmetic plastic surgical procedures. It all comes down to trying to get your body back together and make you as happy as possible, so you can move forward with your life and not have the reminder of everything that you have been through and overcome.
  • Procedures in the breast not affected by breast cancer are insurance covered reconstructive procedures, too. When patients have unilateral reconstruction, achieving symmetry is a little bit more complicated. We have to let the newly relocated tissue settle and heal. The second stage surgical procedures in this case can include, breast lift, reduction, and / or minor procedures to fine tune and attempt to achieve symmetry between the native and reconstructed breast.

We like our patients to discuss with us the things that bother them about their reconstructive result. There are usually things we can improve upon, whether it’s a local procedure in our office or an additional stage. The three stages described in this piece are an outline to the overall process.

Breast reconstruction cases vary and affect each individual differently based upon a number of factors. Some people require one stage and others two or three outpatient or minor procedures to return their bodies back to where they are comfortable and confident.  After you overcome the first stage, the rest are just fine tuning by standard outpatient procedures and local procedures. It is all about making you as comfortable and confident as possible.

Charleston’s Springtime Events You Don’t Want to Miss

Like anywhere else, Charleston wakes up in the spring, and the events begin. We’ve found several we think you will enjoy.

Every Friday and Saturday from March through December, 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., Historic Charleston City Market

Evenings in the Market

The Historic Charleston City Market hosts local artists, food vendors, and designers every Friday and Saturday night in its Evening Art Market. Come on down! Artists, food vendors, photographers, and designers, who live in South Carolina are eligible to participate, so be sure to fill out a vendor application if you’re interested in being featured.

For more information, see the Historic Charleston City Market website.

Thursdays in March, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tabbuli Grill

White Haute Nights

Tabbuli’s fashion and style gala continues in March. You’ll sit back and enjoy the new designs from Alexandra Styles, who has styled A-List Hollywood celebrities and had her original designs featured in Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue.

To learn more, please visit the Tabbuli Grills’ website.

March 15, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., The Charleston Angler

Fly Fishing 201 Schools

Fly Fishing 201 is offered once a month, and the cost is $75 for an all-day class plus lunch and tackle. Your instructor, Capt. John, will show you how to select flies, tie knots, and cast flies. These classes are a big hit among new and seasoned anglers alike. Class size limited to 10 participants.

To discover more, visit The Charleston Angler’s website.

Wednesdays in March, Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site

Krav under the Oaks at Charles Towne Landing

Kick your fitness routine into high gear with Charleston Krav Maga and MMA’s four-week “Krav Under the Oaks” boot camp at Charles Towne Landing. Krav Maga is the official self-defense and fighting system of the Israeli defense forces. You’ll learn not only how to protect yourself and others, but at the same time, you’ll get into tip-top shape.

Dates in March are 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, and 3/26. To buy all 4 classes is $60, and one class is $20 prepaid and $25 at the door. Register online at .

For more information, see the Krav Under the Oaks website.

March 29, 12 p.m., Brittlebank Park

Spring Jam Music Fest

Presented by 105.5 The Bridge, the 2nd Annual Spring Jam Music Fest offers two stages, ten bands, and side-show performances. The lineup includes Augustana, best known for the songs “Boston” and “Sweet and Low”, The Wild Feathers, Saints of Valory, Kopecky Family Band, The Dead 27s, Brave Baby, The Weeks, Space Capone, Possum Jenkins, and Death of Paris.

Tickets are $25 in advance and can be purchased online or at Bottles (610 Coleman Blvd, Mt Pleasant). Tickets will be sold for $33 at the gate.

To learn more, visit the Charleston Visitors’ Bureau website,or the Spring Jam Music Fest’s website.

Tell us about your favorite springtime event!

15 Quick Health Tips

Health tips come in many forms: blogs, pamphlets, and magazine articles, to name a few. We like quick, actionable tips we can run with immediately, so here are a few of our favorites. We hope they’ll help you take charge of your health and enjoy your life even more.

Drink plenty of water.

Get your eight glasses every day, and watch your skin become smoother, your eyes shine brighter, and your entire body function better. Some will say you need half your weight in ounces a day instead of the 8 glasses, so if you weigh 120 lbs, you’ll need 60 ounces a day, which is about 8 glasses.

Quit tobacco.

The cigarette and chewing tobacco companies add hundreds of chemicals to their products. Quit, and you’ll stop poisoning your system with the junk.

Try green tea instead of coffee.

Green tea has numerous health benefits, while coffee has much fewer. Green tea is satisfying and delicious.

Make your focus moving, not exercise.

When we hear the word “exercise,” most of us feel our eyes glaze over, but it doesn’t have to be the grueling workout we think of. Move! Go dancing, park your car farther away, walk the dog.

Touch is therapeutic.

Touch lowers blood pressure, raises neurotransmitter levels, and just makes you feel good. Pet a dog, hug your kids, and hold your spouse’s hand.

Use coconut oil for cooking.

It’s much healthier than vegetable or canola oil, and its medium-chain fatty acids are good for you. Tastes better too!

Do your monthly self-exams and get your mammogram.

Of course we’d tell you this tip! It’s self-explanatory.

Have your PSA checked every year.

This is the blood marker for prostate cancer, and the test is easy.

Watch your food labels.

Read labels to make sure food has what you want in it, and none of what you don’t want. Good things to stay away from are high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oil, and monosodium glutamate.

Try quick one-minute exercises.
Yes, I know we banned “exercise” from the vocabulary, but these exercises are fun and easy. They include standing on one leg, holding in your stomach, or doing a plank position for 30–60 seconds.


Yes, that’s it. Just laugh it up and raise your happiness level. You’ll feel better, your eyes will shine, and you’ll breathe deeply.

Speaking of breathing…

Most of us breathe very shallowly, so try breathing slowly deep into your chest and down into your stomach. Then blow out, hard. Get all that air out. You’ll be surprised how much “stale” air you have in your lungs.

Eat fruits and veggies of every color.

The colors signify the antioxidants present in the food, and eating a variety of colors means you’re eating a variety of nutrients.

Walk barefoot when you can.

Going without shoes helps you exercise your feet. Your toes get to stretch, and you can feel the ground beneath your feet… always uplifting!

Finally, get a checkup every year!

Tell us your best health tip!