Pink Sunday is a breast-cancer awareness program sponsored by the Susan G. Komen for the Cure ® Lowcountry affiliate and takes place Sunday, October 23, 2011. Nonprofit organizations and churches will be celebrating with their own Pink Sunday events, but we thought this was such a great idea that we’d like to let everyone know about it.
A highlight of Pink Sunday is the Commitment Challenge, which simply means that by signing the Commitment form you promise your friends and family that you’ll get a mammogram this year. The form has a space for your email address, and if you choose to include it, Komen Lowcountry will send you updates.
Ideas for celebrating Pink Sunday no matter where you are include . . .
- Wearing pink and asking others to as well.
- Ordering or making pink pins to give to friends and family.
- Asking others to take the Commitment Challenge with you.
- Collecting donations for Komen Lowcountry, or asking people to make donations online at
- Creating a Wall of Hope with names of those who have lost the breast cancer battle and names of survivors.
- Celebrating survivors you know with a candle lighting ceremony, pink ribbons, or flowers.
- Asking a survivor to share her story with your family or group of friends while honoring her with a special lunch or dinner.
For more ideas and the Commitment form, visit:
Do you have any ideas to celebrate Pink Sunday?