Archives for December 2012

Implant Procedure Without Expanders?

breast implantsThe below question is answered by the Charleston breast surgeons at The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction.

Is it possible to have a simple implant procedure without expanders if you have a lot of skin tissue left?

Yes, absolutely, if you are willing to have Alloderm (acellular dermis) used to help support the implant.  We specialize microsurgical reconstruction using your own tissue so we don’t actually do this procedure in our practice but there are plastic surgeons in every metropolitan area who do.  If you are in or near the Charleston area we can give you names of surgeons who are especially good at this procedure.    We know many out of our area too if you’d like to identify where you are located we can see if we know anyone to suggest you consult.

–The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction Team

Would you like your breast reconstruction question answered? Just ask us!


Music of the Season


music of the seasonNow that it’s finally December, the sounds of the festive season have finally begun! Everywhere you go, the holiday spirits infuses the air…a carol here, the Linus and Lucy theme song there!

Immerse yourself in the music that makes the holiday so enchanting. Here are a few of Charleston’s most exciting concerts, symphonies, and ballets for you and your family to enjoy:

  • Nutcracker Ballet: From December 12 to December 13, the Charleston Ballet will be performing the classic ballet, The Nutcracker. Come to the Theatre Gaillard Auditorium on 77 Calhoun Street, and experience the magic of this holiday tradition! For more information, call 843.723.7334, or go to
  • Charleston Christmas Special: Broadway performers, Brad and Jennifer Moranz, take the stage at the Charleston Music Hall, with 20 talented performers, in this Christmas time tradition in the Lowcountry. Join them at 37 John Street on December 8 through December 22 for a holiday performance you won’t forget! Ticket prices range from $34 for adults, $31 for seniors and military, $19 for students with ID, and $16 for kids 12 & under. For more information, visit .
  • Charleston Harbor Sleigh Ride Aboard “The Thriller”: Take a one-hour tour aboard the Thriller Charleston, a speedboat with seating for 43 people. Dress warm, sip on hot chocolate, listen to Christmas carols, and cozy up with warm waterproof blankets for this unique Charleston, SC Christmas event. These Shem Creek  cruises will take place through the month of December in Charleston. Advanced reservations are available, and recommended! Call 843.276.4203 or visit for more information.
  • Holiday Choral Performances at Charleston Country School of Arts: Join in the holiday spirit as The Charleston Country School of Performing Arts hosts a series of concerts sure to please the entire family. Performance are held December 6 and December 14-15 at 6:30 pm.  Tickets are $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students. All shows are held at the Rose Maree Myers Theater for Performing Arts on campus. For tickets and more information visit their website at
  • Charleston Symphony Orchestra: Join the Charleston Symphony Orchestra on December 14, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. for all of your holiday favorites with the CSO Chorus and conductor James Stephenson, whose arrangements have been performed by the Boston Pops, Cincinnati Pops, New York Pops, and more. It all takes place on the College of Charleston main campus in Sottile Theatre. Tickets may be purchased online at

Which of these musical festivities will you attend this holiday season?

How to Reduce Stress During the Holiday Season

According to the American Institute of Stress, more than 110 million Americans already take medication for stress-related causes each week, and the holidays only tend to perpetuate anxiety. Even if you’re one of the lucky people who don’t ordinarily feel stressed under the pressure of deadlines or events, the holidays have a way of sneaking stress into the most carefree lives.

There are your children’s wish lists to tackle, the holiday expenses to wrangle, the gifts to wrap, parties to plan, cookies to bake and cards to write—all in addition to your normal responsibilities.

Don’t let stress ruin your holidays. Here are some quick tips for how to keep calm during the bustling festivities:

1. Take some “you” time. If there were ever a time to get a massage, this is it. Book one for December to diffuse the chaos of last-minute frenzies. If you’d rather stay in, pamper yourself with a little dark chocolate and red wine—and for solidarity, invite your best friend over to enjoy a much-needed break.

2. Focus on fitness. Not only is exercise  good for the body, but it also releases endorphins that make you feel happier and more content. Frustrated that you couldn’t find that impossible gift for your niece? Take it on the treadmill! You’ll burn calories, improve your state of mind, and give yourself some time to gain perspective. Remember, a fast-paced walk through the mall also counts as an aerobic activity!

3. Volunteer. Consider volunteering at a local charity. In addition to benefitting from what experts identify as “helpers’ high,” you may also meet new friends and make lasting connections that will enrich your life throughout the entire year.

4. Rethink gift giving. Streamline the hectic process of gift giving by buying fewer gifts, doing all your shopping online, or making modest online donations to the favorite causes of friends and family. No matter what the catalogues tell you, the best gift you can give is your time—so spend it with your family and friends and relish every minute of it.

5. Don’t take on more than you can handle. Remember, you can always say “no.” Consider this an absolute necessity for protecting your health and sanity during the holidays. As a bonus, it works well the rest of the year, too! Stay positive, anticipate happiness, and you’ll make it through the holidays with the right attitude in place for the coming year.

What are some ways you combat your holiday stress?