Archives for July 2014

Simple Ways to Make Yourself Happier

<img src="image.gif" alt="A branch" />Remember being a kid and your biggest chore was eating all of your dinner?

What a “problem” to have!

When it comes to living happier, you could learn a lot from a children. In fact, children laugh an average of 300 times a day while adults only laugh around 20 times.

It’s easy to forget to live a happy life as you get older. Bills, careers, stress, relationships, and countless other adult activities can burden your day-to-day routine. If you don’t remember to be happy, you’ll walk around with a frown, as if there’s a permanent rain cloud above your head.

But there’s a bright side to being an adult: you have more control over your life than you did as a child. While you have more responsibilities than a child, you don’t need anyone’s permission to do exactly what you want. Making a change for the better is simply a matter of wanting to do it.

So, give yourself permission to be happy. Here are a handful of ways to get happy:

Do Nice Things for Others

Giving to others is just as nice as receiving. For some people, giving is actually more beneficial. Think about the last time you received a random gift. Remember how happy it made you feel? Re-create that experience for someone else. When you see her face light up, you’ll feel happy you’ve made someone else happy—for no particular reason at all! Spreading happiness works like spreading the flu, except with less coughing.

You don’t need to buy your friend a new car to make her happy (although if you did, we’re sure she’d be ecstatic). A simple cup of coffee does the trick.

It doesn’t even have to be a friend, either. Why not buy something nice and give it away to a stranger? Even better: do something nice for someone without them knowing it was you. Doing this removes them feeling the need to reciprocate, too. You still get the good feeling of being helpful and they don’t have the pressure of paying you back.

Learn a New Skill

You can do anything you want. Yes, anything! All it takes is the desire to do so and a little effort. Taking on a new hobby and seeing your newfound skill develop over time will make you happy!

If you ever wanted to play the piano, do it! No one is stopping you. Start today, and in six months you’ll be amazed at your progress.

You could even take a class completely unrelated to anything you do or thought you’d be interested in. Imagine the surprise of your friends and family when you take up karate or archery. Not only will they be impressed by how outgoing you’ve become, but they’ll be inspired to pursue new skills, too!

The takeaway for learning a new skill is to break the mold of regularity. You don’t have to dye your hair pink and buy an entire new closet of clothes. Simply start making small adjustments by learning something new, and happiness will flow through you.

Handwrite a Letter to Someone

Can you recall the last time someone wrote a letter to you? Perhaps it was a card for an event, like a birthday or a wedding invitation. There’s something magical about receiving a handwritten letter. Not only is it more exciting to open than a bill, handwritten letters make you feel special. Getting a handwritten letter means someone took the time to write to you!

Think of someone who brings happiness in your life. Maybe it’s a family member, or perhaps it’s a friend. It could be someone you’ve never met, like a book author or a celebrity. Regardless of who it is, spend a solid hour writing them a letter expressing how good they make you feel. When you’re done: fold, stamp, and send. Oh, and don’t forget to smile, too.

You never know what can come from sending a letter. One couple sent a wedding invite to the Queen of England on a whim. And guess what? The Queen showed up!  It just so happened the Queen of England was in the area that day and didn’t have any other plans. Just a simple letter made that couple’s day much happier.

They didn’t ask for permission — they simply took the action.

Remember: you have the freedom to go out and create a happier life for yourself. No one is stopping you. You can start to be happy right now by just putting a smile on your face.

Share your favorite ways to make yourself happy below!

Photo Credit: Denis Collette

Ask the Doctor: Do you have a recommendation for a topical that will help scars heal or fade?

<img src="pink flower" alt=" " />

This week, Dr. James Craigie of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your questions.

Q: Do you have a recommendation for a topical that will help scars heal or fade?

A: Unfortunately, nothing of which we are aware does this reliably. Avoidance of sun exposure is critically important to give scars their best chance of fading, but no topical preparations routinely make scars better. If scars are heavy or raised, Mederma can help, but it should not be used on scars which are already flat.


Dr. James Craigie

Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction

Have a question about breast reconstruction or post-surgical care you’d like answered from our surgical team? Just ask us!

Hot Enough for Ya? Try Homemade Ice Cream

Ice cream makers have come a long way since the days of using rock salt and straining the muscles in your arm to create a small cup or two of ice cream. Today’s makers are automatic and you merely need to put in a few basic ingredients.

In a nutshell, a homemade ice cream maker uses a refrigerated compartment and mixer blades to create ice cream from simple ingredients such as cream, sugar, milk, and flavors. Many of the latest ice cream machines are multifunctional and can make frozen beverages, sorbets, and frozen yogurt.

Ice cream makers come in different types. Countertop machines often need to be frozen before use. The ingredients are added to the machine, and the mixer blades stir the mixture. After half an hour or so, the ice cream freezes. This type of ice cream maker is relatively inexpensive but can make only one batch at a time before being refrozen.

A lesser-known type sits inside the freezer, and every few seconds mixer blades stir the mixture. When the ice cream eventually freezes, the blades stop rotating. This type of machine takes longer to freeze than others, which work by placing the mixing bowl in direct contact with cold to freeze.

A tabletop ice cream maker has a built-in freezing system, which saves time and creates ice cream in less than half an hour. They are more expensive than the others, but for many the convenience is worth the price. They can be used immediately, and they can make larger quantities of ice cream since there is no wait time. The disadvantage is that many cannot be moved for a number of hours after using so the coolant isn’t moved.

Ice cream recipes are simple and inexpensive. Here are two of our favorites from

Lemon Sorbet


1 cup sugar

2 teaspoons grated lemon zest

2 cups fresh lemon juice


Use an ice cream maker.

In a small saucepan, over medium-high heat, combine the sugar and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil and simmer, stirring, until the sugar dissolves, 3 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and chill over an ice bath until cool. Stir in the lemon zest and juice.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for freezing. Serve immediately or freeze in an airtight container.

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream


2 cups heavy cream

1 cup whole milk

1/2 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

4 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped


Use an ice-cream maker.

In a large bowl, combine the cream, milk, sugar, and vanilla.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for freezing. Once the desired consistency has been reached, stir in the chocolate. Serve immediately or freeze in an airtight container.

Do you have a homemade ice cream recipe you’d like to share? Tell us below!