Healing Effects of Lavender

Turns out, lavender is more than just the scent of your favorite lotion! Discover how to use this soothing herb to calm your stomach, mind, and skin—and tap into the power of purple!

Ward off dandruff. According to Dr. Fusco, a NY-based dermatologist, lavender oil can help improve scalp conditions.For an easy, herbal remedy, wet your hair with warm water and towel dry. Next, grab a mug and mix 15 drops of lavender essential oil in 2 tablespoons olive oil. Microwave for about 10 seconds or until it feels warm. Massage the oil into your scalp, pop on a shower cap, let set for an hour, and then shampoo the solution out. Though it may take multiple treatments to see the benefits, keep with it. As an added bonus, your hair will smell lovely, too.

Bid bloating adieu. Bloating and poor digestion can result from an overgrowth of “bad” bacteria—a common symptom if you take antibiotics. Fortunately, the polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in lavender help reduce the “bad” bacteria in your gut,according to Christine Gerbstadt, MD. To reap the benefit, sprinkle dried culinary lavender onto Greek yogurt, and enjoy!

Unwind. Research shows the scent of lavender lowers heart rate and blood pressure, putting you in a relaxed state. To set yourself up for a serious snooze, put a handful of dried lavender in a vase on your nightstand—or use a diffuser with lavender oil. But lavender alone won’t kick sleepless nights. To get the most bang for your lavender, practice other sleep-promoting habits, such asturning in at the same time every night.

Soothe itchy skin.Whether it’s bug bites or dry skin[http://breastreconstructionnetwork.com/10-winter-skincare-tips/], lavender is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it helps reduce itching, swelling, and redness. Dab a drop or two of lavender essential oil on the afflicted area, and wait about 15 minutes for it to seep in. Apply as needed every six to eight hours for the next 24 hours.

Infuse your meal.Add lavender’s healthy phytonutrientsto any meal by using herbes de Provence. Sprinkle the lavender-based spice blend onto sautéed or grilled vegetables, poultry, and whole grains such as couscous, quinoa, or brown rice. Delicious and nutritious!


Have you used lavender as an herbal remedy before? Share your tips in the comments below!


Your Skin Problems Solved

Nothing makes you feel quite as beautiful as does healthy skin. Yet, every flaw you treat seems to produce another problem. What gives?

If you’re ready to achieve gorgeous skin without all the guesswork, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve broken down the most common skin problems and how to fix them, once and for all:

If your skin type is oily and flaky…

Improve your skin’s appearance by using a face wash with 2% salicylic acid (the active oil-fighting ingredient in most acne-prevention treatments) on your forehead, nose, and chin. Skip the cheeks and splash them with warm water instead. Before bed, trace your T-zone with an exfoliating glycolic serum. Oil is less likely to take a shine to healthy skin.

Protect your skin with an oil-free sunscreen with SPF 30 and hyaluronic acid daily. It hydrates your skin without leaving it greasy.

If the skin on your face feels tight…

Washing your face with soapy face wash may be the cause of high-wire tight skin. It leaves dry skin a little too squeaky clean. Instead, rinse with lukewarm water and a milky cleanser that won’t strip your skin’s natural oils.

Keep your skin feeling great by patting a thick layer of ceramide-laced face cream on damp skin to hold in moisture. In the morning, add a second layer of moisturizer with SPF 30+.

If your skin is shiny before lunch…

Try a gel-based cleanser with glycolic acid, a heavy-hitting exfoliant that penetrates deeply, washing away hidden oil in pores. Then dab a mattifying gel all over to absorb shine.

Protect your skin with sunblock made with avobenzone, which is known to be a bit drying—in a good way. Before bed, dab on a little retinol serum, which prevents the skin from producing excessive oil.

If your skin looks red when you’re not blushing…

Supersensitive skin is quick to redden, so be sure you avoid sudsy cleansers with harsh detergents. Your best face wash will be one labeled soap-free.

Safeguard your skin from UV rays with a cream that has SPF 30+ and zinc oxide, a natural anti-inflammatory that calms redness. At night, use a lotion labeled hypoallergenic, meaning it won’t irritate your sensitive skin.

How do you keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant all day long?


10 Winter Skincare Tips

Image Above Taken From: www.prevention.com

If you’re like most people, you probably already know (and are possibly experiencing) the havoc winter inflicts on skin. From chapped lips to cracked, dry hands, your skin takes a real beating in the chillier months—even here in Charleston!

Make healthy skin a priority this winter with these tips to combat the cold and keep your skin nourished all season:

  • Ask your doctor. First and foremost, when in doubt about your skin condition, it’s best to seek professional guidance. Going to an esthetician or dermatologist even once is a good investment because such a specialist can analyze your skin type, troubleshoot your current skin care regimen, and give you advice on the skin care products you should be using.
  • Invest in a good moisturizer. Your skincare needs vary depending on the season. Even if you love the moisturizer that kept your skin silky-smooth all summer, your skin demands a more hydrating lotion in the winter. Opt for a moisturizer that’s oil-based, rather than water-based, as the oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion. You can also look for lotions containing “humectants,” a class of substances that attract moisture to your skin.
  • Slather on the sunscreen. Sunscreen isn’t just for summertime. Exposure to the winter sun can still damage your skin, increase the signs of aging, and cause skin cancer. Try applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face and your hands (if they’re exposed) about 30 minutes before going outside.
  • Give your hands extra attention. The skin on your hands is thinner than on most parts of the body and has fewer oil glands, meaning it’s harder to keep your hands moist. In cold, dry weather, your hands are especially prone to itchiness, dryness, and cracking. Be sure you have moisturizer at the ready when you travel, and always wear gloves when you go outside.
  • Avoid wet clothing. Wet socks and gloves can irritate your skin and cause itching, cracking, sores, or even a flare-up of eczema. Keep your body warm and dry this winter, and add layers for more protection.
  • Don’t forget your feet. Try finding thicker lotions that contain petroleum jelly or glycerine—your feet will thank you. If your feet are dry, be sure to use exfoliants to get the dead skin off so that your moisturizer will sink in faster and deeper.
  • Reconsider your facial cleanser. If you’ve been battling the dry-skin blues all winter, try avoiding peels, masks, or alcohol-based face cleansers—they’re likely stripping vital oil from your skin. Opt for foaming cleansers and masks that are “deeply hydrating,” rather than clay-based, to save your skin’s natural moisture.
  • Plug in the humidifier. Humidifiers get more moisture in the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out. To disperse moisture throughout your home, you may want to place several small humidifiers around the house.
  • Protect your pout. Be sure you’re armed this winter with the most soothing lip balm you can find. Double-check to make sure it has sunscreen to keep your lips nourished and smooth.

How do you keep your skin healthy all winter long?

5 Tips for Improving Skin’s Appearance and Health

skincare tipsHealthy, beautiful skin is within reach of anyone, no matter the age. A few simple tips will help your skin heal itself and glow.

Reduce sun exposure.

While a certain amount of sun exposure is a vital source of vitamin D, spending too much time in the sun can prematurely age your skin. Don’t be afraid to spend 10–15 minutes in the sun without sunblock a couple of times a week. The more skin you can expose, the less time you need to spend in the sun. Be sure to use sunscreen, cover-ups, and hats if you’re out longer.

Increase antioxidants.

While antioxidants are added to some skin products, you also want to get them from your diet. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits of all colors gives you a full range of antioxidants, which strengthen collagen and restore elasticity to skin. Other sources of dietary antioxidants include green tea, wine, coffee, dark chocolate, and grapeseed oil.

Eat more essential fatty acids.

If you’re getting the good fats you need every day, your skin will glow and your hair will shine. The best way to get these fatty acids is to eat real food, such as avocados, fish, and nuts. Some women keep their skin supple and moist by applying coconut oil or olive oil directly to the skin. Beware: a little bit goes a long way!

Read labels and reduce the number of products you use.

Beauty products are full of chemicals, petroleum, and preservatives. Many women are switching to gentler, more natural beauty products, such as goats’ milk soap. Read your labels, and consider switching to products with fewer ingredients.

Many of us are using the same products we used when we were young adults, and we may not need them anymore. For example, toner formulated for younger skin can be drying, while cleansers may be harsh. Don’t kill your skin—cleanse it gently and rethink the products you use, including all of your makeup. Do you really need them? Could you use a moisturizing cleanser and skip a separate moisturizer?

Try mineral makeup.

In addition to using the same skin care products we used 20+ years ago, we also tend to use the same type of makeup we did as youngsters. Mineral makeup covers as well as any other foundation—even if you have acne or rosacea—and it’s better for your skin because it’s not made from petroleum and doesn’t clog your pores. Mineral makeup has fewer chemicals, is easy to use, and makes your skin glow. It’s you, just better.

When buying mineral makeup, beware of the ingredient bismuth oxychloride, as it can cause irritation or itching.

What do you do to keep your skin healthy and beautiful?