Why Avoiding Sugar is Good for Your Health

We all know sugar isn’t good for us, especially in excessive amounts. But do you know why avoiding sugar is one of the smartest health decisions you can make? Following are just a few reasons why you might want to leave the candy and cakes at the store and not put them in your shopping cart.

Sugar has no nutritional value.

You do not need to ingest sugar. Yes, your body runs on glucose, but it can get that from vegetables, fruit, and any other naturally occurring carbohydrate. Your body can also make glucose from protein and fat if necessary.

There is no reason to eat sugar other than to satisfy a sweet tooth. Sugar is nothing more than empty calories with no nutritional value whatsoever. And high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is one of the worst things you can eat. The added fructose turns to fat in the liver.

Sugar raises your blood sugar levels.

When your blood sugar levels are high, your pancreas pumps out extra insulin to drive the sugar into your cells to be used for energy. However, prolonged high blood sugar levels and prolonged insulin release cause the cells to become resistant to insulin.

When the cells become resistant to insulin, the pancreas churns out even more insulin, and the cycle continues. The beta cells in the pancreas become damaged and unable to produce insulin, which leads to type II diabetes. Avoiding sugar stops this cycle.

When you eat sugar, you want more, and you’re rarely satisfied.

You can become addicted to sugar. Just as with other addictive substances, eating sugar causes a dopamine release in the brain. This pleasurable sensation causes you to seek out more sugar, and similar to other addictions, you must eat more and more to get the same dopamine “high.”

When you stop eating sugar, you stop the addiction from developing or getting worse. To stop sugar, first record how much of it you eat in a week. Focus on serving sizes—many of us eat more than one serving of foods at a time.

Gradually cut back on sugar, as quitting cold turkey can cause you to feel worse before you feel better. Find natural foods to substitute for the junky sugar stuff.

Visit our Facebook page and tell us how you reduce or eliminate sugar from your diet!

How to Do a Sugar Cleanse Safely and Effectively

How to Do a Sugar Cleanse Safely and EffectivelyOne of the best things you can do for your health is reducing or avoiding sugar. Your body does not need sugar in the form we typically eat it. Yes, your body uses glucose, but any carbohydrate you eat is broken down to glucose, so vegetables and grains give you everything you need. Simple carbs like candy, cola, and fruit juice are unnecessary and cause weight gain, sluggishness, and many other problems in the body.

Many people look and feel better after they stop using sugar, and often they decide to do a sugar cleanse or sugar detox. When you take a break from sugar, you lose fat, increase energy, and lift your mood and spirits. Anxiety decreases, and you greatly reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes.

A common time period for a sugar cleanse is three weeks. Here is a typical sugar detox schedule with what you can expect.

First, a few ground rules… remember, this is just for 21 days.

  1. No sugar, candy, soda of any kind (including diet), cakes, cookies, you get the idea.
  2. No high fructose corn sugar, hydrogenated oils (trans fats), alcohol, deep-fried foods.
  3. No white foods—no bread, instant rice, pasta, tortillas, potatoes. These are all simple carbohydrates.
  4. No fruits or fruit juices.
  5. Drink plenty of water… at least 8 glasses a day. Ideally, you should be drinking half your body weight in ounces each day. This is water.

(Remember, after the 21 days, you can add back small amounts of fruit and other carbohydrates you enjoy… however, you still want to avoid the simple sugars, fake ingredients such as trans fats, and artificial sweetener.)

So what can you eat?

Beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, eggs, organic poultry and red meats, most vegetables, brown rice, fish. Think anything you can pick, grow, or slaughter.

When you start the cleanse, you may feel a little sluggish or not quite yourself. You may find yourself thirsty, sleeping more, or feeling lightheaded. Some people feel moodier and irritable for up to the first week. These symptoms will pass—your body is getting used to not having any sugar. You may also have some detoxification symptoms, such as diarrhea, upset stomach, runny nose, or skin breakouts. These are normal.

So those are the negative effects you may have for a short time. What positive effects can you expect as the cleanse moves forward?

  • Weight loss
  • Fewer or no sugar cravings
  • Feeling of being lighter
  • Better sleep and ease in waking up
  • Energy boost
  • Happier moods
  • Brighter eyes, shinier hair, clear skin

If you’d like to experience immediate better health and fat loss, a sugar cleanse is a good place to start.

Have you ever tried one, and how did it work for you?