Also known as Pink Sunday, Worship in Pink is a free education and outreach program for faith-based communities nationwide. Pink Sunday is the time to celebrate those who have survived and those who are battling breast cancer.
Registration for Pink Sunday has closed, but we found some ideas to celebrate on the Lowcountry Komen site at You can also download breast exam cards and educational information.
- Ask everyone to wear “pink.”
- Create a Wall of Hope with the names of survivors and those who have lost their battle with breast cancer.
- Encourage women to take the COMMITMENT CHALLENGE!
- Ask a survivor to share her/his story during the service so others may benefit from her/his experience.
- Have the health minister present the facts about breast cancer in the community.
- Celebrate survivors in your congregation with pink flowers or pink ribbons.
- Celebrate the survivors and co-survivors in your congregation with a candle lighting ceremony. Start with breast cancer survivors, and then include all cancer survivors.
- Honor those who have lost their battle with breast cancer with a moment of silence.
- Rejoice and praise with your congregation in the advances that have been made to fight breast cancer and save lives.
- Conduct a candlelight prayer service.
- Host a Pink Party (reception).
- Have a contest for the most “Pinked” person.
- Have a special collection for the Lowcountry Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®. Funds are used for our mission, grants, and outreach work.
- Consider donations to the Lowcountry Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in lieu of flowers for celebrations or bereavement requests. Donations may be made online at:
- Make your own or order pink pins or other merchandise from our website ( to provide to survivors or your congregation.
What other ideas can you come up with for your group or congregation?