5 Ways to Minimizing Your Risk of Developing Breast Cancer

We’re finding that a very small percentage—perhaps 10%—of breast cancer has a genetic link. You can take several steps to reduce your breast cancer risk, and we’ll touch on some of them here.

Avoid toxins as much as possible. (Possibly link to hazardous chemicals article here)

We live in a polluted environment and breathe air full of toxins from factories and vehicles. We eat food and drink water that is full of chemicals and stored in plastic containers that leach bisphenol-A. We clean our homes with harsh, hazardous cleansers. We use shampoos, soaps, cosmetics, lotions, and potions that contain ingredients we can’t even pronounce, much less know what they are.

Every step you take to reduce your exposure to these harmful products is not only a step away from breast cancer, but it’s also a step away from other cancers and serious illnesses. Use nontoxic cleaning products, such as vinegar and baking soda. Try some mineral makeup and goat’s milk soap. Avoid plastic containers with the number 7 on the bottom, and toss out scratched or worn plastic items. Filter your water, and choose homegrown or organically grown food.

Maintain a healthy weight and exercise.

Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle increase your breast cancer risk, but the good news is that even a small reduction in weight or moderate, regular exercise are helpful. Find activities you enjoy doing, and focus on moving rather than exercising.

An easy way to start losing weight is to eat as naturally as possible. Take it easy and don’t overwhelm yourself. Start by substituting a piece of fruit for a piece of candy, or add a few vegetables to your evening meal. When you’re used to the first step, take the next step. Before you know it, you’ll be losing weight and feeling amazing.

Have no more than one alcoholic drink a day.

Red wine is beneficial to the heart, but drinking more than one glass a day ups your risk of cancer. Enjoy that one glass of wine and know you’re doing something healthy for yourself, but stop there.


According to the Mayo Clinic, breastfeeding appears to protect women against breast cancer, and the longer you breastfeed, the more protection it gives you.

Avoid hormone therapy when possible.

Long-term hormone therapy increases breast cancer risk. Ask your doctor about other options if you’re taking hormones, as you may be able to relieve symptoms with non-pharmaceutical means. If you do decide to continue with hormone therapy, use the lowest dosage you can, and have a goal date to stop using it.

We hope this post has been helpful—do you have any tips to help other women start exercising, lose weight, or avoid toxins?

How to Reduce Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals That Have Been Linked to Breast Cancer

chemicalsOver 400 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each day, and several hazardous chemicals have been linked with breast cancer. While it might not be possible to completely avoid these toxins, here are some ways to reduce your exposure to them.

Eat as naturally as possible.

Our food supply is loaded with artificial ingredients, dyes, hormones, chemicals, additives, and preservatives. Keep your diet as close to its natural state as possible. Shop the perimeter of the store, as much of the chemical-laden “food” is in the center of the store.

When you arrive home with produce, wash it thoroughly. Buy free-range or organic eggs and poultry, grass-fed beef, and wild fish (not farmed).

Buy BPA-free products.

The less plastic you have in your life, the better, but at a minimum, you should avoid bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA is a hormone disruptor found in plastic food and drink containers, as well as in canned food, including infant formula cans. BPA leaches from the plastic or can into the food. Look at the bottom of your plastic containers. Throw away any with the number 7. Plastics with the numbers 1, 2, and 4 do not contain BPA.

Use glass for food storage and cooking when possible, and never microwave food in plastic or Styrofoam.

Avoid furniture made with the flame retardant PBDE.

While flame retardants have a purpose and have saved lives, one type of flame retardant, polybrominated diphenyl ether, or PBDE, has been linked to breast cancer. When buying furniture, look for items with a different flame retardant, or buy organically manufactured when possible.

Use solvent-free cleaning products.

Antibacterial and harsh chemical cleansers are not necessary. The more natural you can go when you clean, the better. Ammonia, bleach, and any cleanser containing a solvent are hazardous to everyone in the home. Hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda make excellent cleansers, and a quick Google search will yield plenty of recipes and ideas to use them.

If you prefer other cleansers, buy green cleaners made with safer ingredients, which can be found in any health food store or online.

Clean out your cosmetics.

Makeup is full of additives, chemicals, and synthetic hormones that no one needs. Toss out your liquid or cream foundation and use mineral makeup. It’s better for your skin and covers just as well as the pore-cloggers you’re used to. Mineral makeup companies also sell eyeshadow, mascara, blush, lipstick, and lip gloss.

Stop the antibacterial foolishness.

Contrary to popular belief and TV commercials, antibacterial soap is not necessary and does more harm than good. The truth is that any soap is antibacterial, and you can find natural or organic soap at health food stores or online.

Know the ingredients of everything you buy, no matter who you’re buying from, as marketing pros often give you the illusion that something is natural or organic when it isn’t.

What tips do you have for reducing chemicals and toxins?