Archives for 2011

Step 3 in Quitting Smoking: Taking Effective Actions to Stop

quit smokingThe one thing that many people don’t understand when it comes to quitting smoking is that addressing the physical addiction to nicotine is not enough. They must also learn to manage the ingrained habits that led them to smoke. People smoke after meals, while driving, and while under stress, to name just three examples. Those urges do not go away simply because the cigarettes are gone.

Quitters need to have a plan for when the habitual part of smoking raises its ugly head. We discussed that a little in our previous post about the 4Ds, but here are a few more tips to master the mental piece of quitting.

Look at your habits.

When did you have your first cigarette of the day? Was it right when you got up, after your shower, or after breakfast? Breaking that habitual urge can be as simple as changing your routine. If you smoked first thing, try going outside for a quick walk instead, or hop into the shower right away.

If your habits don’t change, your chances of staying quit are dramatically lower than if you consciously alter the path of your day.

Have substitutes handy.

If you can’t stop doing something that triggers you to smoke, keep something handy that you can put in your hand or in your mouth. Driving is a strong smoking trigger for many, and most cannot avoid it. Try putting a straw in your hand or a cinnamon toothpick in your mouth. If you find yourself lighting up at a certain intersection on your way to work, find a new route until you’re more secure in your quit.

Enlist help.

If you live with smokers, see what they are willing to do to help you maintain your quit. Having them smoke outside is ideal, since you were likely to smoke with them as part of your habitual conditioning and it’s easier to have them out of sight, out of mind. If they will not go outside, perhaps they would confine their smoking to one room of the house and keep the door closed.

If those you live with don’t smoke, perhaps they can help you identify your smoking habits and ways to break those habits.

You may need to alter your routine for only a few weeks while you master the initial difficulty of quitting, or you may need to change a few things more or less permanently. The main thing to remember is to never take one drag. This is no different from being addicted to any other drug. You would not suggest that an alcoholic or heroin addict has “just one” . . . and you can’t either.

What are your tips to quitting smoking?

6 Fun Christmas Food and Drink Ideas

holiday seasonChristmas is a great time to experiment with new food and drink. Following are some fun ideas you may not have thought of—and some would make fun gifts for the person who has everything.

Golden Honey Granola

A new twist on breakfast cereal, try this oatmeal granola recipe with sliced almonds, dried cranberries and apricots, brown sugar, cinnamon, and honey.

Parmesan Grissini

These amazing breadsticks work with everything from hearty tomato soup to a fine steak dinner. Crushed fennel seeds, sea salt, and crushed red pepper make them savory and spicy.

Russian teacakes or butterballs

These small cakes are typically served on holidays and are also called Mexican wedding cakes. They are made from flour, ground nuts, and butter and formed into balls before baking. After coming out of the oven, they are coated in powdered or confectioners’ sugar once while hot, and then they receive a second coating after cooling.

See a typical recipe here.

Marinated Goat Cheese

This would make a wonderful gift for the cheese lover on your list. Simply take a log of goat cheese, add spices and olive oil, and allow to steep in a glass jar. Not only is this a delicious gift, but the colorful spices and olive oil make this a beautiful gift too.

Mulled wine

A staple in Germany, mulled wine is typically red wine mixed with spices, such as cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon, and allowed to heat (but not boil). Heating the wine with the spices brings out a unique flavor, and the drink is perfect for a chilly evening.

The Food Network has a simple mulled wine recipe. Click here to view it.

Hot buttered rum

Another cold-weather drink, hot buttered rum is a timeless favorite that can be made one mug at a time if you choose. Simply place a slice of soft butter at the bottom of a mug and add some brown sugar and spices such as cinnamon, allspice, or nutmeg. Mix the spices and butter well before adding the hot water and rum. Stir and steep for a moment before enjoying.

What are your favorite Christmas food and drinks?

How to Reduce Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals That Have Been Linked to Breast Cancer

chemicalsOver 400 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each day, and several hazardous chemicals have been linked with breast cancer. While it might not be possible to completely avoid these toxins, here are some ways to reduce your exposure to them.

Eat as naturally as possible.

Our food supply is loaded with artificial ingredients, dyes, hormones, chemicals, additives, and preservatives. Keep your diet as close to its natural state as possible. Shop the perimeter of the store, as much of the chemical-laden “food” is in the center of the store.

When you arrive home with produce, wash it thoroughly. Buy free-range or organic eggs and poultry, grass-fed beef, and wild fish (not farmed).

Buy BPA-free products.

The less plastic you have in your life, the better, but at a minimum, you should avoid bisphenol-A (BPA). BPA is a hormone disruptor found in plastic food and drink containers, as well as in canned food, including infant formula cans. BPA leaches from the plastic or can into the food. Look at the bottom of your plastic containers. Throw away any with the number 7. Plastics with the numbers 1, 2, and 4 do not contain BPA.

Use glass for food storage and cooking when possible, and never microwave food in plastic or Styrofoam.

Avoid furniture made with the flame retardant PBDE.

While flame retardants have a purpose and have saved lives, one type of flame retardant, polybrominated diphenyl ether, or PBDE, has been linked to breast cancer. When buying furniture, look for items with a different flame retardant, or buy organically manufactured when possible.

Use solvent-free cleaning products.

Antibacterial and harsh chemical cleansers are not necessary. The more natural you can go when you clean, the better. Ammonia, bleach, and any cleanser containing a solvent are hazardous to everyone in the home. Hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda make excellent cleansers, and a quick Google search will yield plenty of recipes and ideas to use them.

If you prefer other cleansers, buy green cleaners made with safer ingredients, which can be found in any health food store or online.

Clean out your cosmetics.

Makeup is full of additives, chemicals, and synthetic hormones that no one needs. Toss out your liquid or cream foundation and use mineral makeup. It’s better for your skin and covers just as well as the pore-cloggers you’re used to. Mineral makeup companies also sell eyeshadow, mascara, blush, lipstick, and lip gloss.

Stop the antibacterial foolishness.

Contrary to popular belief and TV commercials, antibacterial soap is not necessary and does more harm than good. The truth is that any soap is antibacterial, and you can find natural or organic soap at health food stores or online.

Know the ingredients of everything you buy, no matter who you’re buying from, as marketing pros often give you the illusion that something is natural or organic when it isn’t.

What tips do you have for reducing chemicals and toxins?

How One Woman Discovered the Positive Outcomes of Reconstruction Surgery and Cancer

Today’s In Her Words post comes to us from a past patient of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction, Jakki Grimball. Jakki is a breast cancer survivor who lived in Columbia, SC and traveled to Charleston to receive her DIEP reconstructive surgery. Today, her and her husband live in Charleston where her husband is the director of The Neighborhood House, an organization providing services for people in need, including food pantry, soup kitchen, emergency assistance, sewing classes, resume writing, and more.

See below for our interview with Jakki:

What type of reconstruction surgery did you have and how do you feel about the results?

I had the DIEP flap procedure done October 2007 by Dr. Craigie. The outcome far outweighs the surgery and recovery time. I am very pleased with the results and having a tummy tuck as an added benefit!

Would you make the same decision again if you could go back?

I would definitely make the same decision. I had a friend who had implants and she now wishes she had done the DIEP flap procedure. She’s had several complications. Of course, I believe I had the best plastic surgeon in South Carolina perform my surgery.

What advice would you give to women who have undergone a mastectomy or double mastectomy and are unsure about natural breast reconstruction?

I would and have advised women to have the DIEP flap surgery. It is far better to have natural breast reconstruction than to have a foreign substance placed in the body. I realize advances have been made in breast implants and there are fewer adverse effects; however, I believe that using my own tissue left little opportunity for infections and other complications. I have never regretted having the surgery or choosing Dr. Craigie as my surgeon.

In what ways has breast cancer both negatively and positively affected your life?

The only negative affect breast cancer had in my life was the mastectomy and the chemotherapy. I firmly believe God has a purpose for everything and having breast cancer made me more aware of how fragile life can be. Breast cancer brought my family and friends closer and I hate to say it, but it weeded out those who were truly not my friends. I found out I had breast cancer three days before my wedding and I gave my fiancé the chance to cancel the wedding. He told me he would marry me at my bedside if necessary. So the diagnosis also brought us closer together. I now cherish every moment and I don’t sweat the small stuff (sometimes not even the big stuff).

You and your husband recently relocated from Columbia, SC to Charleston, SC where your husband is the Executive Director of Neighborhood House. Tell us a little bit about this non-profit organization and how it helps the community.

Click here to view a document from The Neighborhood House, outlining their mission and daily services to the community.

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Healthy Snack Ideas for Your Day

healthy snacksHaving healthy snacks through the day help keep your blood sugar stable and avoid eating too much at meals. You’ll feel less hungry and more energetic if you fuel your body at regular intervals. Discuss snacking with your doctor or nutritionist, but we suggest going no longer than three or four hours without eating or snacking.

If you keep good-tasting, healthy snacks accessible at all times, you’ll be more likely to resist unhealthy snacking. Keep healthy snacks at your desk or in the fridge at work—hopefully far away from the candy machine!

Healthy snacks that taste good include . . .

Dark chocolate.

While you don’t want to eat a lot of dark chocolate every day, an ounce is good for your heart and for your taste buds. The higher the cocoa content, the better. Ideally, you want at least 70% cocoa, which is a strong dark chocolate.


Chock-full of antioxidants and vitamins, fruit is a good choice for a snack. However, fruit is high in natural sugar, so you may want to eat lower-sugar choices such as berries or apples, or eat fruit with a little bit of protein and fat. An apple with organic nut butter or string cheese is a tasty, nutritious snack.

Raw vegetables.

Any raw vegetable is a good snack choice. Many veggies are high in fiber and keep you satisfied until the next meal. Veggies are a nutritional bargain—high concentrations of nutrients for few calories. Great choices include broccoli, cucumber, and radishes, or celery with nut butter.


Gorp is trail mix that you prepare yourself using your favorite nuts and dried fruit. A typical recipe includes almonds, nuts, dried coconut, dried cranberries, and dark chocolate chips. It’s very simple to make—just mix the ingredients in a bowl and pack in individual serving bags if you wish.


Simple to make in the microwave and enough to share, popcorn fills you up for very few calories. Beware: many commercial varieties of microwave popcorn contain partially hydrogenated oil, which you do not want to eat. You may need to go to a health food store to find a brand that does not have it.


While you don’t want to eat a lot of cheese on a regular basis, it is a delicious and nutritious snack. You only need an ounce. Try string cheese for a convenient and easy-to-carry snack, or for a real treat, try some goat’s milk or sheep’s milk cheese. You’ll find a little bit goes a long way.


Long vilified for their fat content, nuts are a good source of healthy fats, protein, and minerals. A handful of nuts or a tablespoon of organic nut butter with cheese or apples makes a satisfying treat. If you buy nut butter, ensure that the nut itself is the only ingredient.

Love these healthy snack ideas? Share this post with your friends on Facebook.

What To Do If Fear Is Keeping You From Undergoing Breast Reconstruction

breast reconstructionThe question below is answered by Dr. Richard M. Kline, Jr., of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction.

I am scheduled for reconstruction on the 29th. I feel as though I shouldn’t go through with it because, for one, I am 58 years old and secondly because I am scared that I will not be pleased. Thirdly, I heard that it is very painful and is worse than the bilateral mastectomy I had. I am so confused as to what to do.

Firstly, if you are scared, and feel strongly that you shouldn’t do it, then DON’T—END OF DISCUSSION! We’re talking about a quality-of-life surgery, not life-saving surgery. Attitude about the outcome is far too important to risk going into it feeling like you shouldn’t.

Having said that, unless you have a serious medical condition making the surgery dangerous, diabetes, or inadequate donor sites (I assume we’re talking about DIEP or GAP flaps), statistics suggest it might not be as bad as you fear.

Age is of no consequence—some of our happiest DIEP patients (and best healers) have been in their 70s.

Satisfaction with the final outcome is critically dependent upon realistic expectations, which can only be arrived at through careful preoperative discussion with your surgeon, and ideally, also through discussion with other patients.

Perforator flap surgery IS more painful than mastectomy, but pain is a relative thing. A few patients say it is terrible, most say it was about what they expected, and a few say they had almost no pain, even the day after surgery. I can think of one patient out of hundreds who suggested she might not have gone through it if she knew how bad the recovery would be.

Best of luck to you, and please feel free to ask any more questions.

—Dr. Richard M. Kline, Jr.

Enjoying the Glorious Outdoors of Charleston: Best Parks in Charleston County

charleston county parksCharleston County parks offer some of the best scenery, activities, and fishing in the area. With water parks, dog parks, play areas, and campgrounds, the opportunities for quality family time are limitless. The following parks are three of our favorites.

James Island County Park:

A short drive from downtown Charleston, the James Island County Park is open year-round, with something for everyone. Kids love the Splash Zone Waterpark, while adults enjoy the Climbing Wall and boat and bicycle rentals. With over 100 sites and 10 cottages, the Campground offers peace and quiet among the beauty of the park, and anglers will find plenty of opportunity for crabbing and saltwater fishing. Dogs and their owners enjoy the freedom and open space of the off-leash dog park.

The park’s location also makes it ideal for events such as concerts and festivals. Highlights include the Reggae Nights Summer Concert Series, the Lowcountry Cajun Festival, and the Holiday Festival of Lights.

Mount Pleasant Palmetto Islands Park:

With its tropical beauty and lush nature trails, Mount Pleasant Palmetto Islands Park is almost like a trip to Hawaii. Ideally suited for groups and families, this 943-acre park was designed around nature and its splendor, and the peaceful tranquility of Nature Island is well worth the price of admission.

In addition to the island, visitors can ascend to the top of the 50-foot observation tower and take in the spectacular view while the kids enjoy themselves in the tower’s play area. With Splash Island Waterpark, nature trails, tidal creek fishing and crabbing, boat rentals, and volleyball courts and horseshoe pits, the park offers hours of fun and excitement.

Mount Pleasant Pier:

Over 1250 feet long, the Mount Pleasant Pier gives visitors an amazing view of Charleston Harbor and the Arthur Ravenel, Jr. Bridge. Kids and adults alike enjoy fishing off the pier, and the Cooper River Challenge fishing tournament takes place several times during the summer and fall. Prizes are awarded for largest game fish catch in several categories. Rods and tackle are available at the Pier, and after the tournament, you can grab a bite at the River Watch Café and Gift Shop.

Throughout the summer, the Pier shows classic movies at sundown, and admission is free. Spring and summer are the time for Shaggin’ on the Pier, the perfect opportunity to dance the night away to live music.

All of Charleston County’s parks offer amazing views of the beauty of the Lowcountry. Which park is your favorite and why?

Healthy Thanksgiving Dinner Tips

thanksgiving dinnerMany of our patients express concerns about eating a healthy Thanksgiving dinner. They don’t want to overindulge, but they do want to enjoy dinner with their friends and family. You can have your cake and eat it too if you’re careful.

Have plenty of fresh, raw veggies available.

These will play a major role on your Thanksgiving plate, so make sure you have plenty of raw vegetables and salads on the table. Good choices include broccoli, peas, beans, cauliflower, cucumbers, cabbage, and romaine lettuce. If you cook sweet potatoes or squash, use butter, not margarine, and keep fat to a minimum.

Eat an appetizer.

Don’t go to the Thanksgiving table ravenously hungry, as you’ll overeat. If you’re going to someone else’s home, have a small snack before you go, or serve appetizers if dinner is at your house. A small amount of fat will help tide you over until dinner, so try sliced avocado, nuts, or smoked salmon with a little cheese on a cracker.

Bake the turkey and eat the white meat.

Instead of deep-frying, bake the turkey and avoid eating the skin or visible fat. Eat mostly the white meat, which is lower in calories and fat than the dark meat.

Use less of the pan drippings to make gravy.

If you use half of the pan drippings in your gravy, you’ll have all of the flavor and half of the fat.

Mentally divide your plate in quarters.

Put fresh vegetables on half your plate, turkey on one quarter, and potatoes and stuffing on the remaining quarter. You’ll be able to taste everything, but with half your plate full of veggies, you’ll eat fewer calories. Eat slowly, and stop when you’re comfortably full—long before you feel stuffed.

Drink water.

Avoid the high-calorie drinks and have a simple glass of water. Dress it up with a splash of juice or a slice of lemon or lime.

Don’t go back for seconds unless it’s for veggies.

When you’ve eaten what’s on your plate, wait for a while before you go back for seconds. It takes time for your stomach to communicate with your brain that you’re full. If you’re still hungry, have more vegetables, preferably raw.

Share dessert, or have just a nibble.

If Aunt Shirley’s cheesecake is too hard to resist, have a small piece, or take a couple of bites from Uncle Dave’s piece. If you like to try several desserts, take small spoonfuls and savor them.

What are your favorite tips for eating healthy at Thanksgiving?

Answering Your Breast Implant Questions

dr. richard klineThe question below is answered by Dr. Richard M. Kline, Jr., of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction

I had cancer in my left breast 15 yrs. ago, had the lump taken out, then developed a rather large cyst in the same breast. I had the cyst removed, which left me with only half a breast. I also had 8 weeks of radiation. I wanted a breast implant but the doctor said I couldn’t get one. Since it has been so long, could I now get one? I am 75 but still don’t feel good about my breast. I wear a breast form, but it’s not the same.

It is sometimes possible to reconstruct a lumpectomy defect with an implant, but your history of radiation makes success less likely. To some extent, the size of the implant you would require, and the amount of radiation injury you have sustained, influence the chances for success. Flap surgery, while significantly more involved, is ideal for use in radiated tissues, as it allows us to use healthy, non-radiated tissue to replace what is missing. Age, in and of itself, does not affect the success of either surgery, as long as you are generally healthy.

—Dr. Richard M. Kline, Jr.

Do you have a question about breast implants or natural breast reconstruction? Ask the doctor by emailing us at

5 Tips for Reducing the Appearance of Cellulite

reduce celluliteCellulite is body fat that dimples the skin, and it typically shows up on females of any age. Having cellulite does not necessarily mean you are overweight; in fact, many normal-weight and underweight women have it. Cellulite can worsen as women age simply because we all tend to gain fat as we get older.

Unfortunately, nothing completely eliminates cellulite, but you can take steps to improve its appearance. Following are tips to reduce the appearance of cellulite and smooth out your lower body.


If you exercise, you’ll boost your metabolism, reduce fat, and add muscle, which will help the area appear taut. Work the muscles from all angles to ensure you’re reducing the cellulite evenly.

Stay hydrated.

Your body can burn and remove fat more easily if you drink plenty of cleansing, fresh water. Aim for eight glasses, spread throughout the day, and filter your water or add lemon juice to improve the taste. Cut down or eliminate carbonated beverages and replace them with water.

Eat a healthy diet and watch sugar.

Contrary to popular belief, you need a certain amount of fat in your diet, and good fats such as nuts, avocados, and salmon do not make you gain weight unless you eat too much of them. However, eating too much sugar and simple carbohydrates can make you fat, and many fat-free foods contain sugar in place of fat. Eat as naturally as possible, with a variety of protein, raw vegetables, and fresh fruits.

Stay away from monosodium glutamate (MSG), high-fructose corn syrup, and trans fats, which you’ll know by the word hydrogenated in the ingredient list. Exercise, water, and a healthy diet will not reduce cellulite overnight, but over time, you’ll see an improvement.

Try body wraps.

When you have a body wrap, your skin is massaged and covered with cloth soaked in any of a variety of natural extracts. The combination of the massage, the wrapping material, and the soaking solution soften and smooth problem areas. A wrap will not get rid of cellulite, but it will reduce the appearance and improve the smoothness of your skin. Body wraps are most effective when done at regular intervals.

Use liposuction and laser treatments to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

As much as I wish it were true, you can’t get rid of cellulite with liposuction or laser treatments. These techniques may tend to improve the look of an affected area but often never completely eliminate cellulite.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat cells from the body using a tiny hose similar to a vacuum cleaner. Laser treatments, often with massage or suction, break up the fat and improve circulation.

Have you successfully improved the appearance of cellulite, and how did you do it?