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6 Back to School Tips to Relieve Stress



Summer coming to a close means one thing: getting prepared to send the kiddos back to school.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an elementary school kid, an adult student, or a parent…getting back into the swing of things is an adjustment for everyone.

To help you make the transition from a summer schedule back into the classroom, we’d like to share with you some of our favorite tips for going back to school.

Shift Gears into Scholar Mode

During the summer, it’s great to lounge by the pool, sleep in, and catch up on your favorite TV shows.

But as the first day of school approaches, it’s important to shift gears into scholar mode. Try planning a family trip to a local museum, nature center, or science center.

Encourage your kids to take notes, study new things, and learn as much as they can.

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule

During summer break, the family’s sleep schedule often shifts.

Late nights and sleeping in can become your new routine.

While there’s nothing wrong with this schedule, it can become a problem when you suddenly have to wake up at 6 a.m. to get your kids ready for school.

Try heading to bed a little earlier every night as the start of school approaches. It’s also helpful to set an alarm to help you wake up earlier each morning.

Create a Calendar

The start of school often means the start of new activities, sports, and after-school clubs. Creating a family calendar is a great way to ensure that you can keep track of everyone’s schedule.

Better yet, it also allows you to block off some time to spend with family, as we know the school year can be busy and hectic.

Get Your School Supplies

Most schools send out school supply lists before the year even begins.

Stay ahead of the curve and make sure your kids have all the books, notebooks, folders, pens, pencils, and other assorted supplies they need to start the year.

Purchasing these items a few weeks in advance will allow you to enjoy the rest of the summer without having to rush around at the last minute.

Put Together Meal Plans

Planning meals ahead saves a lot of valuable time and energy.

If your kids bring packed lunches to school, sit down and make a list of the foods they would like to have.

Having this list ahead of time will allow you to quickly run to the store and grab the necessary sandwich supplies, fruit, snacks, and drinks to keep your kids fueled during the school day.

Having a meal plan is also a great idea for dinner time, especially when schedules get crazy.

Put together a list of quick meals, and stock up on food items that won’t spoil so you can easily prep and serve meals without having to make an extra trip to the store.

Prepare for the Next Day Ahead of Time

There’s nothing worse than rushing around at the crack of dawn and trying to get everything organized and ready to go before the bus arrives.

Avoid this chaos and prepare for the next day ahead of time.

Lay out clothes for the next day, pack lunches the night before, and make sure backpacks are packed with homework and books ahead of time.

Do you have a favorite back to school tip?

Share it in the comments below!

5 Cancer-Fighting Foods

If you’ve had cancer, or know someone who has, you understand the importance of nurturing and protecting the body from developing this horrible disease.

While there isn’t yet a foolproof method to prevent cancer, you can make lifestyle changes to keep your body healthier.

We suggest starting with your diet and add cancer-fighting foods into your daily meal plan.

Eating these foods will not only help decrease your risk of cancer, but will also give you the energy and strength to look and feel better as you go throughout your day.

Here are 5 cancer-fighting foods that we recommend to add into your diet.

Steamed Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the most powerful foods for cancer prevention.

It has a sizable amount of sulforaphane, a particularly potent compound that boosts the body’s protective enzymes and flushes out cancer-causing chemicals.

Add steamed or raw broccoli into salads, pasta dishes, or sprinkle on top of pizza.


Blackberries make a sweet and delicious snack.

While all berries are packed with cancer-fighting phytonutrients, blackberries stand out because they contain very high concentrations of phytochemicals called anthocyanins.

These anthocyanins slow down the growth of premalignant cells and keep new blood vessels from forming, which could potentially feed a cancerous tumor.

Blackberries taste great picked fresh off the plant, in fruit salads, or in cobblers.


Tomatoes are a fantastic source of lycopene.

This is what gives a tomato its red color. Lycopene has also been known to stop endometrial cancer cell growth.

Slice up a fresh tomato to munch on, add it into salads, or enjoy tomato sauce on pasta and pizza.


Many people use garlic as a spice to flavor food.

It’s a good thing because the phytochemicals in garlic have been proven to halt the formation of nitrosamines, which are carcinogens formed in the stomach.

Garlic is delicious when used to flavor meats and veggies.

Black Beans

Black beans are in the legume family.

When you eat them, you increase the levels of the fatty acid butyrate, which in high concentrations has protective effects against cancer growth.

Use black beans as a simple side dish, or incorporate them into burritos or rice dishes.

What are your favorite cancer-fighting foods? Comment below!

Our Favorite Komen Lowcountry Events


We at The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction are committed to our amazing patients and the organizations that support them. That’s why you can find us helping out at any number of the Komen Lowcountry events held in Charleston, SC.

We support Komen Lowcountry because the foundation creates a support system for women diagnosed with cancer and their loved ones.

Not only do these Lowcountry events raise money and awareness for the cause, but participants also have fun while supporting research and treatment initiatives.

No matter if you’re a Charleston native or you’re planning a trip to the Lowcountry, we hope you’ll attend some of the upcoming breast cancer fundraising events.

Before we give you the skinny on local fundraising opportunities, we want to remind you of the health care resources you have—before and after breast cancer.

If you’ve recently been diagnosed yourself, or you’ve beaten breast cancer, our breast reconstruction services exist to help you recover, gain confidence, and tackle your survivorship with renewed purpose.

We invite you to drop by our office for a consultation on natural breast reconstruction, or you can even ask one of our surgeons any questions you have right here.

Why we support Komen Lowcountry

When you lend your time, money, and support, you are backing a group that is dedicated to….

  • Developing new approaches to prevention, so that fewer women experience breast cancer.
  • Identifying and improving methods of early breast cancer detection, so that patients can receive proactive treatment and become a survivor.
  • Ensuring more accurate diagnoses, so that women can make the ideal health care decisions for themselves and their families.
  • Creating personalized treatments based on genetic makeup and individual needs, so that no one receives “cookie cutter” care.

The following three events are the Komen event staples in Charleston, but keep checking back, so you can see what’s new.

Race for the Cure®

The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® Series has an amazing claim to fame. It is the largest and most profitable fundraising and education event for breast cancer in the world today.

When you come out, you will help provide awareness and much-needed funds that benefit breast cancer patients and survivors in the Charleston community.

You don’t have to run in the race! You don’t even have to walk. Giving volunteer time and/or financial support will help save lives.

Click here for more information on The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® Series.

Swing for the Cure

Susan G. Komen Lowcountry’s Swing for the Cure is another fun Charleston event that supports the fight against breast cancer.  Participants play either tennis or golf to raise money for research, prevention, and treatment.

There is a cocktail reception and a silent auction, alongside an oyster roast and barbecue.

Tickets are set at $30 per individual and $50 per couple, and proceeds benefit research and prevention efforts.  You do have to register for Swing for the Cure in order to attend, and you must purchase tickets!

Snag your tickets for Swing for the Cure here.

Worship in Pink

 In May 2016, Worship in Pink happens in honor of our mothers—especially those who have been through breast cancer. Over the years, Worship in Pink has provided more than 60,000 people with resources. As a faith-based initiative, this program helps reduce disparities in rural and low-income areas.

Come out this May and help work toward the vision of a world without breast cancer.

Click here for more information.

Community Health Workshops

Susan G. Komen’s Community Health Workshops exist to educate Charleston residents and visitors on establishing a healthy lifestyle, breast health, and techniques for stronger survivorship.

Keep an eye on this page for updates on the next workshop.

Tell us what we missed! Share your favorite fundraising events in the comments below.

How to Keep the Weight Off During the Holidays

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Do you hear that?

The holiday season is officially upon us, and with the holidays come the sugar and fat!

This time of year brings so many good things: time with family and friends, fun events, and time off from work and school.

Unfortunately, this time of year can bring some less pleasant things, such as a few unwanted pounds.

With so much food temptation surrounding us this time of year, it can be difficult not to indulge and pack on weight as a result.

In this post, we’re sharing a few tips to help you keep the weight off this holiday season, despite the temptations that lurk around the corner.

Eat before you go to parties

Fill up on healthy snacks before you head to holiday parties, and vow to skip the calorie-ridden appetizers. When your stomach is growling, it’s more difficult to keep yourself from making poor food choices.

Bring a dish

If it’s a potluck holiday meal, bring a healthy option that you can enjoy minus the guilt. This way, you know there will be at least be one thing you can enjoy—and we bet the other guests will be happy about being offered a healthy alternative as well!

Be the host

If you’re really trying to prevent holiday weight gain, the best way to take control of the food options is to host the party.

There are so many healthy twists to your favorite holiday recipes. Just a few substitutions can make a huge difference! The dishes are still so delicious, but won’t set you back a few pounds.

Fill up on protein and veggies

When it comes to filling up your plate with delicious holiday food, opt to first fill up the majority of your plate with protein and vegetables. Next, you can add small portions of other less-healthy dishes.

Indulge a little

It’s the holidays! Some of these amazing foods only come around once a year. Figure out which food choice you would be disappointed not to enjoy, and allow yourself to enjoy it at your holiday feast.

Send home the leftovers

Especially at Thanksgiving, the majority of the weight-gain damage doesn’t happen the day of—it’s eating all of the leftovers the following week! Send those leftovers home with family and friends to avoid the temptation.

Have more ideas for keeping the weight off during the holidays?

We’d love to hear in the comments below!

A Halloween Safety Reminder


With trick-or-treating just a few days away, we want to share some Halloween safety reminders to keep kids safe.

With all of the excitement of the kids dressing up and getting all revved up on sugar, it’s easy to forget some of the dangers Halloween presents.

In this post, we’re sharing a few safety reminders to ensure your family has a fun and safe Halloween weekend!

Safety tip #1: Drive slowly

There will be kids running about the neighborhood, so lower your speed wayyy down. Trick-or-treaters can be hard to spot at dusk and after dark, so be sure to go under the speed limit and keep your eyes peeled.

Safety tip #2: Be wary of food allergies

If you’re taking your child’s friend out trick-or-treating, be sure to talk to the parents about all food allergies, such as nuts or dairy. For some kids, having a nut allergy also means not being able to eat different types of chocolate that may have been processed in a plant with nuts—so it’s important to know all of their dietary guidelines before heading out for candy.

Safety tip #3: Don’t let kids run out into the road

If you’re responsible for taking the kids door-to-door, be mindful of not letting them run out into the road. With all the hype and excitement Halloween brings, even older kids may not be as vigilant as usual. A good rule of thumb is to have a quick talk ahead of time about not running out in front of unsuspecting cars.

Safety tip #4: Carry a flashlight

Both chaperones and trick-or-treaters should carry flashlights or glow-sticks while out and about. It will light your way as well as helping your group to be more visible to cars.

Hope you have a safe, fun, and spook-tacular Halloween!

Halloween Events in Charleston


Looking for fun Halloween events in Charleston?

The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction team absolutely loves this time of year, which is why we’re sharing a list of some our favorite fall happenings!

From ghostly shows to haunted tours, we’ve got you covered on some upcoming activities to enjoy this Halloween season.

Hope you have spook-tacular Halloween!

October 1-31—“The Original” Haunted Pub Tour

On this 2.5-hour walking tour, hear ghostly tales and enjoy brews and beverages while you experience one of the oldest parts of Charleston. You will stop by 3-5 locations. Appetizers will be included at some of the stops, and you’ll have the opportunity to purchase some local craft beers or cocktails. 

Click here for ticket information. 

October 14-November 1—Little Shop of Horrors

This musical comedy from the book written by Howard Ashman will absolutely dazzle you. With stunning special effects of man-eating plants taking over the neighborhood, it’s a must-see show this Halloween season!

Click here for ticket information.

October 24, 31—The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

In this hilarious Halloween haunt, Washington Irving’s classic tale takes the Dock Street Theatre stage for two performances this month. This comedy show is perfect for the whole family, and both showtimes begin at 3:00 p.m.

Click here for ticket information. 

October 29-31The Addams Family at Woolfe Street

Looking for some HALLOWEEN FUN? Come see The Addams Family at the Woolfe Street Playhouse. The Village Teen Troupe, a group of talented, local youth will perform in this hauntingly hilarious musical. Show begins at 6 p.m. each night. Matinee at 2 p.m. on October 31.

Click here for ticket information.

Did we miss one of your favorite Charleston Halloween events? Share below!

5 Foods That Boost Your Metabolism


Sometimes we forget to view food as the fuel for our body.

It’s so important to remember that what we put into our bodies is what gives us energy, not what gives us comfort, cures boredom, or alleviates stress.

Many foods even have the power to actually give our metabolism an added boost.

Our metabolism’s function is to break down our food and beverages into molecules, and convert their calories into energy to help our bodies function better.

Chili peppers shares that chili peppers do more than just give your food a kick—they give your metabolism one, too! Chili peppers contain a chemical compound, capsaicin, which helps give an added boost to your metabolism. They also contain Vitamin C, which helps lower cholesterol and risk of heart disease.

Coffee and green tea

Whether you’re a morning coffee or green tea drinker, you’re in luck! The caffeine found in coffee and the EGCG plant compound found in green tea support your metabolism and burn fat.


Protein is vital to your metabolic health, which is why lentils are a must-have. According to MindBodyGreen, 26 percent of lentil’s calories are attributed to protein—making them ideal as an energy-boosting food.


Okay, so everyone tells you to “be sure to eat your greens,” but do you know why spinach is so good for your metabolism? According to Medical News Today, this leafy green is packed full of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Spinach has been found to increase bone health, reduce your risk for cancer, help your digestive system, and even improve the appearance of skin and hair!


According to, iron, zinc, niacin, vitamin B6, and B12 are just a few things that make salmon a metabolism super-food. The omega-3 fatty acids found in the fish are also great for heart and blood pressure health.

Share your favorite way to incorporate these metabolism-boosting foods in the comments below!

5 Super Easy Ways to Cut Carbs

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Photo credit: Scott Veg

When you love all things bread and pasta, cutting carbs from your diet can seem nearly impossible.

However, restricting your intake of carbohydrates–especially the kind that come in the form of a large box of pizza—is an important factor to losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle.

Fear not, carb lovers, we’re providing 5 alternatives to some of your favorite recipes that are sans carbs. And they’re delicious.

Spaghetti Squash

Someone from up above took pity on those of us who love pasta by creating the most amazing vegetable, spaghetti squash. As its name implies, it’s a squash that you bake and then scrape out the contents with a fork, and it comes out in strings resembling pasta. The even better part is that it tastes like whatever sauce you put on it!

We recommend this marinara and turkey meatball spaghetti squash recipe as a great alternative to pasta.

Pizza bites

There is a lot of buzz about cauliflower crust pizza floating around in the PinterestSphere, but it can be incredibly time consuming to make (not to mention the smell alone can put off your appetite). These no-crust pizza bites only require a muffin tin, Canadian bacon, shredded mozzarella cheese, pizza sauce, and any additional pizza toppings of your choice.

The best part of this recipe (minus being super duper healthy) is that it allows everyone to create his or her own mini pizza—minus the carbs!

Eggplant pizza

Replace the high-calorie crust with eggplant! Slice the eggplant, salt both sides and let sit to draw out the moisture, sprinkle some herbs, and bake for about 25 minutes. Next, add your pizza toppings, and place back in the oven for a few more minutes. Only downside is this eggplant pizza recipe is a little tricky to eat with your hands—you may have to opt for a fork and knife.

Pepper nachos

This pepper nacho recipe is perfect for the chip lover! Using mini peppers (sliced in half and hallowed-out), stuff full of corn, black beans, pico de gallo, avocado, and low-fat cheese. Pop in the oven until the cheese gets nice and melty, and then snack away!

Roasted chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are an absolute lifesaver when you need that salty and crunchy fix. Just add olive oil, salt, pepper, and any herbs or spices you’d like and bake for about 15 minutes—so easy and delicious!

Have a favorite carbless recipe you’d like to share? Comment below!

Ways to Stay Hydrated this Summer

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Photo credit: Ryan Hyde

According to the Mayo Clinic, severe dehydration can cause serious health effects such as dizziness, confusion, and low blood pressure.

When temperatures are at an all-time high, it’s vital to be sure you’re getting the fluids you need.

This is easier said than done.

From a crazy day at work to running the kids around, we can get so preoccupied that we forget to drink the proper amount of water.

We’re listing a few solutions that will help you easily incorporate more H20 into your daily routine.

Bring a water bottle with you everywhere you go

If it’s there, you’ll drink it! Take a bottle of water with you in the car, into meetings, in the grocery store, and you’ll be unconsciously taking sips throughout your day.

If it’s easier, have a designated water bottle for your home, a separate one at your office, and one for your purse. This way you won’t keep leaving it places, and you’ll always have one at arm’s reach.

Pre-portion your water

Having trouble getting enough water throughout the day? Purchase a large water bottle that contains your water goal for the day. That way you can easily track how much water you’ve had to drink—plus you don’t have to be constantly filling your water bottle up!

Warm water with lemon

Is water not your absolute favorite thing to drink? Try heating it up, adding a slice of lemon, and sipping it like tea. This is easy to incorporate while watching TV or reading a book at night. If you’re looking to cut out caffeine, we recommend replacing your usual cup of Joe with warm water and lemon.

Add fruit and herbs

Take your hydration to the next level by adding fruits and herbs to your cup or bottle! Infused water helps cleanse your body of toxins, flush fat, support liver and kidney health, and jump-start your metabolism.

Check out our favorite recipes here.

Always order a glass of water

Whenever you’re at a restaurant, always order a glass of water. Even if you are ordering a separate beverage, you’ll be able to also sip on some water throughout your meal. These little tricks will help you stay hydrated, without much change to your daily routine!

We’d love to hear how you’re staying hydrated this summer in the comments below!

Things to do – Independence Day 2015 in South Carolina

(Thanks to AppleOne Employment Services for sending this fantastic Weekend Recs e-blast for us to share!) 


Fourth of July Fireworks on Folly Beachindependence day

 A holiday tradition on the Edge of America, the annual 4th of July fireworks display is set to take place on Folly Beach next Saturday. The fireworks will be set off at the Folly Beach County Park, at the west end of the island. Locals and visitors are invited to enjoy the Independence Day display, which will begin at 9:30pm. For more information about the 4th of July fireworks display on Folly Beach, please go to or download the free ‘Visit Folly’ smart phone app.

When: 7/4/15 starting at 9:30pm

Where: Folly Beach-Folly Beach County Park- West end of Island


July Fourth on the Pride

Enjoy this Fourth of July with a sunset sail while watching the fireworks from the best seat in the house! Beer and wine will be available for purchase. Bring a snack or picnic aboard if you choose. Buy tickets by calling the number provided (843-722-1112) or visiting the website:

When: 7/4/15 from 7pm to 9pm

Where: The Schooner Pride-Aquarium Wharf

Admission: $55 per person-book now as space is limited


North Charleston 4th of July Festival

The City of North Charleston is once again hosting the July 4th celebration at the Riverfront Park on July 4, 2015 from 3:30 PM – 9:45 PM. This year’s event features exciting musical guests, children activities, food trucks, craft vendors, and the Lowcountry’s largest 4th of July fireworks show. The Festival is presented free of charge to the public with all general admission for attendees. Guests attending the Festival are invited to bring lawn chairs and blankets, as there is no seating provided. Food trucks, beer and wine stations, and ATMs will be widely available. Children activities are available free of charge, including inflatable jump castles, games, the play area, the giant sandbox, and the water fountain. Beer and wine stations will be set up throughout the park, as well as ATMs for participants. For more information, please visit the website:

Festival performance schedule:
3:30 – Gates open
3:30 – Soul Fish (rock quartet)
5:00 – Blacklion (reggae)
6:30 – Dangermuffin (Americana)
8:00 – Funk Factory 5 (Mo-town/Top 40)
9:10 – Spectacular Fireworks show by Zambelli’s

When: 7/4/15 from 3:30pm to 9:45pm

Where: Riverfront Park-1001 Everglades Avenue, North Charleston


Patriots Point 4th of July Blast

 For those who want to enjoy the fireworks on the Yorktown, all Flight deck tickets are now SOLD OUT, but visitors are still allowed to watch the event landside and enjoy the celebration there! Parking is $10/vehicle.

When: 7/4/15 starting about 9pm

Where: Patriots Point40 Patriots Point Rd, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464



Lake Murray Fireworks Celebration

Beginning at dusk (approximately 9:15 pm) South Carolina’s largest fireworks display on beautiful Lake Murray. Fireworks will be set off from two great locations: Spence Island and Dreher Island State Park. The show is choreographed to a patriotic concert that will air simultaneously on B106.7. The best places to view the fireworks are Dreher Island State Park and both parks at the Lake Murray dam. Bring a chair or blanket, picnics are welcomed- NO Alcohol Permitted at any of the locations.

Admission (based on park):

Dreher Island State Park– $2 for adults, $1.25 SC Seniors, FREE for children 15 years and younger (Gates close at 8pm).

Lake Murray Dam park sites– open until they reach capacity- $3 per car.

The walking path on the dam will also be open. (Fireworks DO NOT launch from the park sites at the dam).


When: July 04, 2015 from 9pm to 10:30pm
Admission: Admission Based on Park


Lake Murray Patriotic Boat Parade

 Get ready for the 26th Annual 4th of July Celebration on Lake Murray on Saturday, July 4th!! CCLMC is trying to break our all-time record this year with over 150 boats and inclusion within the Guinness Book of World Records! We hope that you and your family will join us and participate to make this a special year! For more information, please visit the website:

 When: July 04, 2015 from 12pm to 3pm
Where: Bomb Island, Lake Murray, SC 29072
Admission: Free, but if watching from Lake Murray Dam park sites admissions is $2/car


Slide the City and Capital City Beach Party!

 Columbia is Famously Hot, so we’re bringing you a Surprisingly Cool way to have fun this Independence Day while supporting 2 great causes!  Slide the City is a 1000 foot water slide that will go from Blanding & Gadsden to Hampton & Gadsden Streets.  The chosen charities SC Tunnel to Towers Foundation and the Celebrate Freedom Foundation will benefit each time you purchase a registration using the promo code FREEDOM, and you will receive $5 off! After you slide, go check out the Capital City Beach Party beginning in Finlay Park at 2PM. Water and Food vendors will be available for purchase at noon. Want to slide for free while helping out the charities? Sign up as a volunteer here:

When: July 04, 2015 starting at 11am
Where: Finlay Park-930 Laurel Street, Columbia, SC 29201


Wells Fargo Red, White and Blue Festival

A barrage of colors illuminates the sky every 4th of July in downtown Greenville for the annual Wells Fargo Red, White and Blue, presented by AT&T. As one of the largest fireworks displays in South Carolina, the celebration features live music, food and a variety of family activities. A long-standing tradition, Wells Fargo Red, White & Blue represents a remarkable opportunity to support a free patriotic event that is enjoyed by the Greenville community. Sponsors have long recognized this event as a unique way to showcase their brand while enjoying hospitality and a celebration that only happens once a year. Wells Fargo Red, White and Blue presented by AT&T is Greenville’s premier 4th of July celebration, showcasing one of the state’s largest fireworks displays, sponsored by Bon Secours St. Francis Health System. The free event, scheduled for Saturday, July 4, 2015, from 5 to 10 p.m., features live music on two stages, fun-filled activities in the Zaxby’s Kidz Zone and a variety of popular food and beverage vendors. The event takes place in downtown Greenville from Court to Camperdown Streets and will encompass Broad Street, from Laurens to Falls Streets, and Falls Park.

When: 7/4/2015 from 5pm to 10:30pm

Where: City of Greenville-Downtown Greenville


Red, White and Bluegrass

Red, White and Bluegrass is a FREE 4th of July Celebration in downtown Fountain Inn. This event will begin at 7:00 p.m. with two bands performing: Justice Family Bluegrass Band and the Upstate Senior Band. Fireworks will begin at dark. There will be food, Italian ice and craft beer for purchase. We will have a special time to honor all veterans at this event. For more information, please visit the website:

When: 7/4/2015 starting at 7pm

Where: City of Fountain Inn-Commerce Park-110 Depot Street, Fountain Inn, SC 29644

Admission: Free!


A Night with Darryl Worley

 Honoring our heroes. Gates open at 5pm. Music starts at 6 pm.

Admission is free for military & first responders (military personnel, retired military personnel, police, firefighters, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians). Regular admission is $20 per car (maximum 6 people per car). **Going on now!** Soldier care package campaign to collect items for local soldiers serving overseas. For more information and to get involved, see website. Collection total will be announced at the Darryl Worley concert to honor heroes on July 4th! Concert tickets on sale NOW! For more information and to purchase tickets, visit:

When: 7/4/2015- Gates open at 5pm, Music at 6pm

Where: Charter Spectrum Amphitheatre-861 Southeast Main Street, Simpsonville, SC 29681

Admission: $20/car

How do you plan to celebrate? We’d love for you to share suggestions with our readers!