Is Seafood on Your Menu at Home? 5 Reasons It Should Be

seafoodSeafood is one of the healthiest foods you can eat and is full of good fat, vitamins, and minerals. Some species of seafood, such as shellfish, have unfairly earned a reputation as an unhealthy food. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Shellfish are a good low-fat source of protein, and except for shrimp, are low in cholesterol. People in Nordic countries and in Asia who eat high levels of fish live longer and are healthier than the rest of the world. They have lower rates of certain cancers, such as breast, pancreas, lung, and colon.

For best results, eat fish at least twice a week to receive the highest level of benefits.

Fish is one of the best heart-healthy foods.

The Omega-3 fats found in fatty fish such as salmon, trout, herring, and tuna are polyunsaturated, which protect against heart disease by lowering cholesterol and triglycerides. Fish reduces blood clotting, which lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke. The fats also keep arteries elastic, which reduces blood pressure and coronary disease.

Fish oil reduces inflammation.

Inflammation plays a role in various diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, fibromyalgia, and hypertension. In fact, most autoimmune diseases and many chronic disorders have been linked to inflammation, which is caused by poor diet, environmental toxicity, and stress. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and help treat or prevent these diseases.

Seafood has high levels of essential vitamins and minerals.

Eating a variety of seafood gives you a full range of vitamins and minerals. Oysters are a good source of vitamins A, B, and D, magnesium, and calcium, and crab, shrimp, clams, and mussels are high in zinc and iron. These nutrients ensure good eyesight and healthy muscles and skin.

Fatty acids in fish keep your brain healthy.

Omega-3 fatty acids increase blood flow to the brain and prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Children who consume seafood tend to perform better in school, and the incidence of depression tends to be lower in those who eat seafood.

Omega-3s keep kids healthy and strong.

Pregnant women who eat a variety of seafood tend to have full-term, healthy babies with lower rates of asthma. Doctors believe that fish oils control allergens in the body. Even if a woman doesn’t eat seafood during pregnancy, the allergy control benefit occurs if the child consumes fish oil daily.

As with any food, the fresher the seafood, the better. There is a chance of mercury contamination in some fish, but the benefits outweigh the risks. To reduce mercury, choose fish that is wild caught, and eat fish lower on the food chain, such as sardines and herring. Predatory fish, such as swordfish and mackerel, will have the highest levels of mercury because they eat the smaller fish, so mercury builds up in the larger fish’s body.

What is your favorite fish?

5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

mental healthYour mental health is a vital part of your overall health, yet we often ignore it. When you feel mentally alive, your physical health improves as well. Follow these five tips to improve your mental health and increase your happiness.

1. Address negative beliefs.

Most of us hold negative beliefs, and they have a detrimental effect on our mental and physical health. We choose to hold these beliefs for whatever reason, and some may be valid while others are outdated or simply incorrect. Negative beliefs lead to a negative attitude, which saps your energy and alienates family members, caregivers, and friends.

To change a negative belief, you must identify it. Ask a trusted friend for help with this. Once you have determined which are your negative beliefs, ask yourself three things: where they came from, whether they are true, and whether you still want to hold onto them. Letting go of negative beliefs can be difficult but tremendously freeing, and it must be your decision to move forward without them. No one can force you to release a negative belief.

2. Replace the negative with a positive.

Whenever a negative thought creeps into your mind, focus on the positive of the situation instead. The negative thought will float off, and you’ll be happier, more relaxed, and able to deal with the situation as a whole. This is not to say you don’t need to deal with negative thoughts or situations—sometimes you do—but often negative thoughts are holdovers from those negative beliefs you’re trying to lose.

For example, if you’ve lost 10 pounds and have a negative thought about your ability to continue losing, remind yourself that you’ve already lost 10. Tell yourself how good you feel, and encourage yourself to keep going. If you let a negative thought stay in your mind, you’ll fall into it and have a difficult time climbing out of it. Concentrate on the positive, and don’t dig yourself a negative hole.

3. Reduce stress.

Stress causes not only physical problems, but also mental blocks and issues. Reducing stress is one of the fastest ways to boost your mental health. One quick way to feel better is to take three deep breaths: inhale through your nose, close your eyes and hold it for two seconds, and then exhale through your mouth. Exhale as fully as you can, and feel the stress melt.

Several other ways to decrease stress include exercise, meditation, massage, and aromatherapy. Sometimes walking away and being alone for 5–10 minutes or listening to your favorite music is all you need to reduce anxiety. Experiment to find your best stress relief.

4. Take a break from your life.

A change of scenery is always good for your mental health. Take a week-long vacation at least once a year. You’re doing yourself and your family a disservice if you accrue vacation time and never use it. Find the time to do something for you. Get away and explore new places, or take a week off to work on a hobby you never seem to have time to enjoy. You’ll return refreshed, relaxed, and happier.

5. Exercise your mind as you do your body.

We move through each day doing what we must, but we don’t stimulate our minds as often or as deeply as we should. Your mind craves challenge and creativity, and you feel alive and alert when you give your mind a new job. Take a class, learn a new hobby, go to a symphony or museum, or do the crossword in the newspaper. Try something new and excite your brain, as well as improve your memory.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and the more you take care of your mind and exercise it, the happier you’ll be. If you do it consistently, the benefits last long into old age.

What’s your favorite way to take care of your mental health?

7 Ways to Beat Stress

stress reliefStress adversely affects every aspect of your life, from your health to your relationships. Many people don’t realize how stressful their lives are, and they don’t know how to deal with or reduce their stress. Let’s explore seven ways to improve your life by beating stress.

Determine your stressors.

We all have different areas of our lives that cause stress. While you may not be able to change stressful situations, by identifying your stressors, you can develop a plan to deal with them as effectively as possible. For example, if work causes stress, you can go to the gym after work to release tension with a workout, or leave the building for lunch to get away from your desk for a few minutes.

You might be able to change your response to stressors by altering the situation to make it easier to bear. For example, if visiting the doctor during the day is stressful because you need to go to work afterward, perhaps you can meet the doctor in the evening or on a weekend day. If you become agitated during rush hour traffic, try a new route or travel at a different time.

Avoid people, places, and things that upset you.

We all have people who make us uncomfortable or tasks we dislike doing. When those aggravations become stressful, it’s time to take matters into your own hands. Rethink whether it’s necessary to have dinner with the neighbor who criticizes your cooking. Perhaps it makes sense to find an accountant to do your taxes or a detailer to wash your car. Delegating tasks and avoiding stressful people not only reduce your stress, but they also give you a marvelous feeling of freedom.

Know your limits.

Be realistic about your time and what you can do, and say no when you need to. When you’re at your limit, additional items on your to-do list become stressors. Stand your ground and be assertive when you need or want to say no.

Give yourself a treat.

Integrative therapies such as massage, reflexology, and aromatherapy help to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and relax you. They’re also fun and rejuvenating. Find a certified practitioner or visit a spa, keep an open mind, and give it a try.

Turn off the noise.

Unplug and spend at least 30 minutes alone and quiet every day. We’re all bombarded by technology and advertising, and it’s overwhelming. When you get away from the constant noise, you’ll feel your stress melt away. Spend that time doing what you enjoy, whether it’s a walk or a hot bubble bath. Unwind and enjoy.

Tune out negativity.

Do you really need to watch the 10 pm newscast each night or read the paper every day?  The news is mostly negative, which raises your stress levels. Your mind doesn’t need any more input on weather disasters or the latest political upheavals around the world. Don’t take on the world’s problems as your own. Rather than watch the news, find a comedy or cartoon to watch. Better yet, turn off the TV and read a book.

Experiment to find your best release.

Some women relieve stress by laughing or crying, and others find exercise or art to be their release valve. You may need to try a few different outlets to relieve stress, such as watching classic TV comedies, renting a movie that makes you cry, painting, or going to the gym. You may find one perfect stress reliever, or you may decide a combination of activities helps.

As you work through your stress, stay positive. Negativity is an unhealthy stressor and can creep into areas of your life that aren’t stressful. An upbeat attitude will do wonders to combat stress and help you feel healthy and at your best.

What do you do to combat stress?

Therapeutic Ways to Relieve Stress

meditationReducing stress is one of the most effective steps you can take to improve your health, and it can be one of the most challenging. Stress is a constant in our lives, but if you’re proactive about managing it, you’ll be surprised at how much better you’ll feel. This post will discuss three very effective ways to relieve stress and reduce health issues.


Body postures of varying difficulty and controlled breathing exercises increase your physical flexibility, while meditation helps you focus on being peaceful and calm. This powerful mind / body combination makes yoga an extremely effective stress reliever. Yoga practitioners also enjoy increased strength and balance. Prominent medical facilities such as the Mayo Clinic recognize the role of yoga and meditation in health promotion and stress management.

In yoga, movements are precise and require concentration, which draws your attention away from your hectic life and quiets your mind, so you release tension and anxiety. In addition to reducing stress, yoga has been proven to help with insomnia, depression, and fatigue. Yoga also lowers blood pressure and is used as a weight loss aid.


Often we hide thoughts and feelings that cause stress, and we do our best not to think about them. However, stress is like any other untreated wound in that it becomes larger and more damaging if we don’t take care of it. Journaling, which is simply writing down your thoughts, allows you to express those feelings and understand their effects on your health.

When you see those thoughts on paper—especially after the strong emotions connected to them have passed—they lose their power to upset you, and their hold on your mind is broken. The stress these thoughts caused dissipates as a result. When you look objectively at what is going through your mind, you can define what is causing your stress and take steps to remedy it. For many, the act of writing helps them process their feelings, and that alone helps their stress levels.


A quick and easy way to reduce stress, meditation is one mental technique of focusing your attention away from stressful thoughts and situations, giving you a sense of balance and peace. In addition to stress relief, the Mayo Clinic has found that meditation helps with pain management, allergies, binge eating, and sleep problems.

When you meditate, you intentionally move your mind into a new state of relaxation that extends throughout your body. Stressful feelings and thoughts are released as you move into a deeper state of awareness. As you become more proficient in meditation, you control your conscious thoughts more easily and relax more quickly.

To learn yoga, journaling, or meditation, search for classes in your area. Look at the instructors’ websites, or call them, and decide who seems knowledgeable and approachable. Often instructors will offer a class or a visit for low or no cost. Don’t be afraid to try something new to reduce your stress.

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